ANGEL THUNDER 2011 - Pararescue Exercise

Mad boomer

Civil Affairs
Verified SOF
Jan 23, 2012
Scuba diving or fishing
LEO Mentor
This is a ten part series on YOUTUBE

ANGEL THUNDER 2011 - Pararescue Exercise
Approximately 1,400 U.S. military, federal and state employees and Coalition Forces participate in the 6th Annual Angel Thunder Exercise, the world's largest military CSAR Combat Search and Rescue Exercise in the world. Here's a video of a High Altitude Para Rescue exercise with Para Jumpers (PJ) in Hannegan Meadows, Ariz. Video by Master Sgt. Michael Hasenauer. 10.11.2011
Additional Notes:
* Canadian & U.S. personnel
* CH47 lands and drops off rescue teams, wounded victims are treated and flown out.

I secretly wish, that one day my CoC will let me partake in exercise like that....

I know, I know.. but man should have a dream :D

BTW: Looks like lots of fun. I especially like how are you PJ guy cool when handling casualties. No running, no unnecessary treatment, nothing that shouldn't be there but everything that should.