Another LEO saved by concealed carry citizen

It would be nice if the CCW who saved the Deputy, could remain nameless. The media will dig until everything about the hero is learned and made public. Then death threats will begin. If his wife works, she could lose her job after all the publicity. Same will be true for his children in the school they attend, nothing but grief ahead of them. Somewhere along the line, a Wrongful Death civil suit will be filed. Remember that the perp's brother was heard to ask, "Was my brother armed?" The used to be joke, about no good deed goes unpunished, is today's sad fact.

Indeed you are correct, Sir! Our litigious society has made it difficult for people to help each other for fear of being sued over any and everything that someone simply doesn't like. The Good Samaritan law might as well not exist. There is a reason people don't help each other -- other than due to fear -- and that is that they don't want to be punished for doing what is right. Until things like that change...nothing will change.
Good riddance you piece of shit. Your brother can go fuck himself too. Well done, Mr. Russell. Glad the officer is ok.