Don't Automatically Assume the Worst About People


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
My father was in the Army. When I was very young, the Army sent us to Germany for a couple of years. 2nd though 4th grade, if I remember correctly. To me it seemed like my mother took us EVERYWHERE in Western Europe during that time period. France. Italy. The UK. Ireland. All over Germany. Probably a bunch of other places I don't remember. Even when it was happening, even when I was really young, I thought it was very cool.

After we returned to the US, I did 5th Grade at St. Bede, a parochial school in Alabama, I think it was (still is?) near Maxwell AFB.

Many of the places we talked about in class, I had been. Stonehenge? Check. The Colosseum? Yeah. Blarney Stone? Kissed it. Leaning Tower of Pisa? I have photos. WWII battle sites inside Germany? Please. I slid down the Nazi salt mines. Hitler's bunker? Yeah... now that I think about it, actually I'm not sure if we went there or not. But anyway, all of that plus the places I had already lived inside the US, including California, Arizona, and North Carolina. So, in typical youthful exuberance, whenever any of these things came up, I would of course mention that I had been there.

Apparently that happened once too often, and my teacher, in a parent-teacher conference with my mother, told my mother that I was lying about all of the places I have been in the world (which, let's be honest, was only parts of Europe and the continental US; it's not like I was a full-on globe trotter). My mother corrected her and let her know that I had, in fact, been to all those places and I'm not a liar.

My mother told me about this incident when she got home from the conference, of course, and it broke my heart. I loved my teacher and I was not a liar. It made me very sad that she thought I was lying all this time. I don't think I told another story again that whole school year. Obviously it made an impact on me because 40+ years later I still remember it.

A far better way for the teacher to have handled that situation would have been something along the lines of, "Charlie sure seems to have traveled to a lot of places already in his young life! Rome, Paris, London... it seems like every time we talk about a place, he tells us has been there." That would have given my mom the chance to say, "What? LOL, no. Charlie has never been out of the state of Alabama," which if that had been the case would have allowed the teacher to confirm her suspicious and then they could have talked about my lying problem. Or, because I wasn't lying, my mother could have said, "Oh yes! His father is in the Army and we lived in Europe for three years. My husband and I dragged him all over the place, showing them all of the sights and blasting Sha-Na-Na the whole time," which would have saved the teacher some embarrassment and me some deep disappointment.

The reason I'm bringing this up is because yesterday I went to a doctor's appointment and the below cartoon was on the receptionist's monitor. "Leaning Tower of Pisa? I've been there," I said.

To myself.

Because I still remember 5th grade.

I haven't always been good about it, but this incident made me try to always ask questions and gather information first before assuming the worst about someone.

Thanks, Mama, for carting us all over Europe when we were young, and all over the United States when when we were older. Thanks for making sure I got culture, by making me take piano lessons, and sign language lessons, and square dancing lessons. Thanks for making me listen to the soundtrack of Cats for so many times that I still remember some of the songs. I still know the Chigger Song and the chorus for Tie a Yellow Ribbon. I can still whistle the tune for "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly." And thanks for sticking up for me when my 5th grade teacher thought I was a liar simply because it blew her mind that a 10 year old kid had been to a bunch of places overseas that she hadn't.

Mrs. X, you were a great teacher. I'm sorry you thought I was a liar.

I've also been to the Colosseum, climbed the Leaning Tower, and... aw, nevermind. 🙂
Lying The Princess Bride GIF by Disney+
Unrelated to travel, but I'm in the "teacher's role" now, disbelieving things another person has told me. The lesson for me is "what does that person gain by lying to you" and "if you have no reason to distrust them, this is on you. Why should you continue to distrust them?"
Unrelated to travel, but I'm in the "teacher's role" now, disbelieving things another person has told me. The lesson for me is "what does that person gain by lying to you" and "if you have no reason to distrust them, this is on you. Why should you continue to distrust them?"
I approach everything I read or that I'm told as a hypothesis. "That's interesting, I wonder if it's true?" And then I look for evidence to confirm/deny.
what does that person gain by lying to you
Not only lying, but maybe just stretching the truth. I recently found out a work buddy always talking shit about being a veteran was medically separated right after basic, no combat. He is not lying about being a vet but wearing "disgruntled vet" gear and telling war stories is a stretch. When I figured him out, couldn't help but distance myself.
I approach everything I read or that I'm told as a hypothesis. "That's interesting, I wonder if it's true?" And then I look for evidence to confirm/deny.
I tend to do the same...well, maybe not everything, but a lot of things. Social media has turned me into quite a cynic...or maybe that's just "experience".

On a slightly different note, but your original post sparked the thought about teachers. When I was younger, I really held them in fairly high regard. As I've gotten old and met many, my view on teachers has changed considerably.
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A few of you gents consistently give me hope that I could someday posses a brighter outlook on if I quit being so cynical and petty.

As a young fellow growing up where I grew up - I would have let the air out of one of her car tires.
As I've gotten old and met many, my view on teachers has changed considerably.

I did some sub teaching for a couple of years, it completely changed my view of most teachers, not in a good way.

I've posted about my teacher stolen valor experience. I used to put them up there with police, but age and experience made me realize they are just people.

And people suck.