Anti-Gunner Claims Firing An AR-15 At The Range Gave Him "Temporary PTSD"

He's written an article, two now, guaranteed to elicit strong emotional controversy, maybe even goad some idiot into a death threat--which would serve his purpose nicely. And that is, to get his name and mug splashed around the internet, a hellovalot more publicity and name-recognition than he's getting from newspaper sales. I've seen columnists do this before, as their anachronistic industry dies a slow painful death. Remember the guy a few years ago who wrote an article saying "I don't support the troops" ? It went viral in a matter of hours and the asshat had his 15 minutes of fame.

Exactly. Not only does he get his 15 minutes, but all the responses he quoted only play into the hands of gun control advocates. It makes gun owners look emotionally unstable, ignorant, and prone to lashing out unnecessarily.
Calling my Shadowspear Prayer Warriors,

I need your prayers and thoughts. I have fired not just an AR-15, but fully automatic weapons. I have smelled the sulfurous odor of death and destruction, and felt the hammering of Satan's dick with each of the recoils. I live in Orlando, or I visit there twice a year because my wife, daughter, and cat live there. I have seen alligators in the wild WITH NO FENCE BETWEEN THEM AND MY BOAT!!!!!

I have self-diagnosed with temporary PTSD but know this fight will not take long. Given my iron will and the length of my company's paid short term medical leave, I know I can defeat this in 4-6 weeks (I have to double check with hour HR website).

I ask for your prayers and thoughts (I think HUGS!!!!!!!! with a minimum of 5 exclamation points is also an option) in the difficult weeks ahead. Also, I'm banning @pardus because I'm an Admin, he is not, and I do what I please anyway because this terrible disease has stolen my humanity.

Thank you for your support and love in these terrible times.
Calling my Shadowspear Prayer Warriors,

I need your prayers and thoughts. I have fired not just an AR-15, but fully automatic weapons. I have smelled the sulfurous odor of death and destruction, and felt the hammering of Satan's dick with each of the recoils. I live in Orlando, or I visit there twice a year because my wife, daughter, and cat live there. I have seen alligators in the wild WITH NO FENCE BETWEEN THEM AND MY BOAT!!!!!

I have self-diagnosed with temporary PTSD but know this fight will not take long. Given my iron will and the length of my company's paid short term medical leave, I know I can defeat this in 4-6 weeks (I have to double check with hour HR website).

I ask for your prayers and thoughts (I think HUGS!!!!!!!! with a minimum of 5 exclamation points is also an option) in the difficult weeks ahead. Also, I'm banning @pardus because I'm an Admin, he is not, and I do what I please anyway because this terrible disease has stolen my humanity.

Thank you for your support and love in these terrible times.

Quoted because epic just happened. And it ain't even a Monday. :D:D
Calling my Shadowspear Prayer Warriors,

I need your prayers and thoughts. I have fired not just an AR-15, but fully automatic weapons. I have smelled the sulfurous odor of death and destruction, and felt the hammering of Satan's dick with each of the recoils. I live in Orlando, or I visit there twice a year because my wife, daughter, and cat live there. I have seen alligators in the wild WITH NO FENCE BETWEEN THEM AND MY BOAT!!!!!

I have self-diagnosed with temporary PTSD but know this fight will not take long. Given my iron will and the length of my company's paid short term medical leave, I know I can defeat this in 4-6 weeks (I have to double check with hour HR website).

I ask for your prayers and thoughts (I think HUGS!!!!!!!! with a minimum of 5 exclamation points is also an option) in the difficult weeks ahead. Also, I'm banning @pardus because I'm an Admin, he is not, and I do what I please anyway because this terrible disease has stolen my humanity.

Thank you for your support and love in these terrible times.

You just made my day:D:D.
Saw a young kid get burns after firing a .50 cal MG.Not entirely sure what went wrong but it was in the 80s. Maybe said person should try that out. That would be more to write home about.

Calling my Shadowspear Prayer Warriors,

I need your prayers and thoughts. I have fired not just an AR-15, but fully automatic weapons. I have smelled the sulfurous odor of death and destruction, and felt the hammering of Satan's dick with each of the recoils. I live in Orlando, or I visit there twice a year because my wife, daughter, and cat live there. I have seen alligators in the wild WITH NO FENCE BETWEEN THEM AND MY BOAT!!!!!

I have self-diagnosed with temporary PTSD but know this fight will not take long. Given my iron will and the length of my company's paid short term medical leave, I know I can defeat this in 4-6 weeks (I have to double check with hour HR website).

I ask for your prayers and thoughts (I think HUGS!!!!!!!! with a minimum of 5 exclamation points is also an option) in the difficult weeks ahead. Also, I'm banning @pardus because I'm an Admin, he is not, and I do what I please anyway because this terrible disease has stolen my humanity.

Thank you for your support and love in these terrible times.
Hugs. LMAO. Couldnt stop laughing at you and Rack.

This is perfect! I found video of @Freefalling shooting the AR-15. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:;-)
Laughed soo hard. Brilliant.
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Calling my Shadowspear Prayer Warriors,

I need your prayers and thoughts. I have fired not just an AR-15, but fully automatic weapons. I have smelled the sulfurous odor of death and destruction, and felt the hammering of Satan's dick with each of the recoils. I live in Orlando, or I visit there twice a year because my wife, daughter, and cat live there. I have seen alligators in the wild WITH NO FENCE BETWEEN THEM AND MY BOAT!!!!!

I have self-diagnosed with temporary PTSD but know this fight will not take long. Given my iron will and the length of my company's paid short term medical leave, I know I can defeat this in 4-6 weeks (I have to double check with hour HR website).

I ask for your prayers and thoughts (I think HUGS!!!!!!!! with a minimum of 5 exclamation points is also an option) in the difficult weeks ahead. Also, I'm banning @pardus because I'm an Admin, he is not, and I do what I please anyway because this terrible disease has stolen my humanity.

Thank you for your support and love in these terrible times.
1 like = 1 prayer
Don't scroll past without typing "AMEN"!!
I'm on a boat motherfucker take a look at me
Straight flowin on a boat on the deep blue sea
Bustin five knots, wind whippin out my coat
You can't stop me motherfucker cause I'm on a boat
Before Mara ruined it for me lol thought you were rapping on your own. So I am actually going to rap here. Probably not pretty.

On the streets at sweet 16
Got what I wanted -an AR-15
Got temp PTSD and then I swore
The Author and I are going to war

Insert beat

Living in the hood taught me well
Cause all those shooters can go to hell
I dont really live by the clock
But show up and face my Glock

lol Im called Metalmom for a reason-I cant rap haha
Before Mara ruined it for me lol thought you were rapping on your own. So I am actually going to rap here. Probably not pretty.

On the streets at sweet 16
Got what I wanted -an AR-15
Got temp PTSD and then I swore
The Author and I are going to war

Insert beat

Living in the hood taught me well
Cause all those shooters can go to hell
I dont really live by the clock
But show up and face my Glock

lol Im called Metalmom for a reason-I cant rap haha

This is now how I picture you, @metalmom :


Anyone remember the FNC1s or C2s. or any other older Canucks may remember this wpn. Chuckling at this dude because when I first went to the range I got a ton of kickback, bruised shoulder-though I tucked it in firmly as was told. Prone position-my fave-not too rough. Squatting-bowled over.Assumed other positions but even though my groupings werent bad, found out my gas regulator was broken-only fired on 0.Which had a lot to do with the kick back. Those old Belgium rifles eh.The fact is is this whole story from him makes it so sad and horrific in what he claims.He should be ashamed of himself.
What is it like to fire a Daisy BB gun?

What's it like to fire a Daisy BB gun? It's an experience I'll never forget. Everybody knows BB guns are scary looking and ought to be banned, but I thought I would try to shoot one without any preconceived notions. What I encountered changed me forever.

I took a deep breath and determined to enter a Wal-Mart. A "greeter" met me with, "Howdy, welcome to Wal-Mart." I'm from the north. We don't say "Howdy". I sneer back at the microaggression and strain to hold back tears of rage. Barely controlling myself, I asked where I could find a BB gun. He directed me to "sporting goods," still smiling and gloating over his slyly delivered offense.

I go to the "sporting goods" section, a perfect charnel house where implements of sulfur, death, and destruction are openly and brazenly sold. I notice a BB gun just lying on a shelf. I reach for it as if it was a poisonous snake, wondering if it will go off when I pull it off the shelf. That's right, a shelf. Where anybody could get it.

I go to the counter and the death merchant asks me if I wanted BBs to go with it. He even had the audacity to offer me "Copperhead" brand BBs! How could this inbred hick not know that I see a therapist twice a week to treat my herpephobia?

I buy the gun and the recommended BBs. I'm dizzy going out to the parking lot. A passing stranger, attired in a camouflage assault t-shirt, asks, "Sir, you okay?" "How dare you assume my gender!" I shout back. "Sorry, just checkin'," he said as if my health was any of his business. But the worst was yet to come.

I went to a wooded area to fire the BB gun, a Daisy 509 Buck, probably made by Bushmaster. I bruised my knuckles operating the cocking lever. Taking aim, I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth, and pulled the trigger. The sound of the spring loaded plunger going "boing" startled me. I became disoriented watching the BB arc towards its target. The "dink!" sound it made bouncing off a coke can was horribly loud. The recoil was horrendous, like a bazooka or some other recoilless weapon, and it dislocated my shoulder. I vomited and cried. I still have PTSD. Anxiety. Irritability. Nightmares. I may never again be the same.

But enough about me, at least for now. Worst of all, these weapons of mass destruction are available to the general public. It's time we stopped listening to the paid lobbyists of the National BB Gun Association who assure us that BB guns are hardly ever used in the commission of a crime. They scare me, they should scare you, and they ought to be banned.
I didn't upload the video, so the title is the title. This is a longer video of previous video posted.

Sad thing is there will be people that believe this girly man child. In the meantime we have pre teen GIRLS shooting the AR-15 with a smile on their face.

Anyways I'm so scared now, there are a few ARs in my closet.

My husband was 2RCHA and had to go through Operation Danger Close. In a bunker being shelled by a 105 mm Howitzer. Of course very loud. I do believe he had Temp PTSD since he married me. lol