Army Guard Chopper Crashes in Glacier...12 total now stranded

I can say with 100% surety that at least the Blackhawk crew had their full compliments of ALSE SOP gear on board and most likely, shared what they had. Stuff is usually packed in an aviators kit bag and weighs a considerable amount. Being familiar with aviation assets at Wainwright, they never fly without them. Civilians should know better and always do the same, whether it's an A/C, a car or any other conveyance that could leave them stranded, during any season, up there in the great white north.

Oh yeah, I wasn't talkin about the mil birds, I know they roll deep up here... I mean, they're going out to save assholes that already crashed due to the conditions...
Get some, boys. glad to see that the Alaska guard is still kicking serious ass. If anyone wants to know why some of us do this job, read this story again. then go do pushups.
