Army-Navy 2018

Beat Navy!

I am curious....when did wearing a CIB on the same level with AA wings (or any other badge) right next to it become legit? it a smaller CIB than norm?


For comparison...

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Thanks Marauder, I knew wearing four badges was good to go, but thought CIB/CMB/CAB couldn't be part of the "box" on camo.

Learn something new everday :-)
This is my setup. Now that I think about it though, I never checked the regs. I just saw everyone else doing it and followed suit. But since no CSMs have jacked me on it yet, I hope I'm doing it right.

Being Navy/Marines, I never got into the whole badge thing. Even after I got my enlisted warfare device in the Navy, I often did not wear it after I got commissioned because from afar I looked like a CPO, which would have been sacrilegious (and a promotion).

But in the fun spirit of the thread, here are a couple others:

Dated, but good:

And new:

Really, Navy? Really?? Two false starts and you gave army a win?

Duke loses a bball game in the final seconds, Navy loses in the final seconds. I am going for the trifecta tomorrow and watch the Carolina Panthers lose gloriously in the final seconds.