AWP this is for you.

you know....I have no idea how old the BF term is...first time I heard it was in 1986..basic training. I know it was a prevalent term in law enforcement in the 70's....

My last year in the NCANG was '86. I never heard the expression until yesterday.

Every day is an education on Shadowspear. 8-)
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I don't know why a thread dedicated to AWP would have a blue falcon meme as its initial post. To me, that implies that AWP is a blue falcon. I don't know what the opposite of a blue falcon is (a white rabbit? A red turnip? A blue waffle?) but whatever it is, that's a more apt description of AWP.
I don't know why a thread dedicated to AWP would have a blue falcon meme as its initial post. To me, that implies that AWP is a blue falcon. I don't know what the opposite of a blue falcon is (a white rabbit? A red turnip? A blue waffle?) but whatever it is, that's a more apt description of AWP.

AWP has a Blue Falcon as his sig pic...just an attempt at humor. Some got it. I would like to think nobody on the site is actually a BF.
I was thinking the same thing, I'll admit I don't usually pay attention to avatars. Unless the dive bombers come out.

Likewise. Normally his avatar is something ban hammer, crusader, and/or Stuka-related. I didn't even notice he had changed to a blue falcon motif.