Blue to Green

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Aug 27, 2016
Okay, without boring anyone, I'll make this as short and sweet as I am able to. Long story short, I am in the process of resolving legal issues that were holding me back from entry. My questions are: What are the requirements to enter SOF as far as legalities go, and which flight or unit is attached to the 101st Airborne Assault Screaming Eagles of the U.S Army, and what is the requirements to be able to even have a chance at that particular unit? My goal is to eventually enter 101st, and back up is Marine Sniper. I already have spent close to a year to a year and a half fighting legalities and finally am roughly 2 weeks away from starting to get that issue resolved, and wanted to know what other obstacles may be in my way that I need to find a way to resolve. Thank you in advance!
Okay, without boring anyone, I'll make this as short and sweet as I am able to. Long story short, I am in the process of resolving legal issues that were holding me back from entry. My questions are: What are the requirements to enter SOF as far as legalities go, and which flight or unit is attached to the 101st Airborne Assault Screaming Eagles of the U.S Army, and what is the requirements to be able to even have a chance at that particular unit? My goal is to eventually enter 101st, and back up is Marine Sniper. I already have spent close to a year to a year and a half fighting legalities and finally am roughly 2 weeks away from starting to get that issue resolved, and wanted to know what other obstacles may be in my way that I need to find a way to resolve. Thank you in advance!

You want to go SOF, but your options are the 101st or a Marine sniper? You don't choose the 101st, that's needs of the Army and...C+ trolling. Not bad.
Because of age, I have to go Air force first. My thinking on going Blue to Green is; I love when someone tells me I can't do something: I usually prove them wrong and enjoy it. Marine sniper because, and not bragging, I am a very good shot at distance without a scope. I do better in small groups than large, at work, or around friends. I do things differently and they work out right the first time through. I can not stand to lose but can accept it if I gave my absolute best. I am not trolling, I am simply asking because I do not know which course to take. I scored high on the M.A.G.E score: Mechanical 92: Adminstrative 87: General 88: Electrical 94 out of 99 possible and 33 needed for entry. ( give or take 1-2 on those numbers, I do not have the print out in front of me, but might be able to get a copy from the M.E.P.S station, but they are very close. I know I did not score less than an 86, I am almost positive.)
I am in good physical condition, 150lbs. I have figured out seemingly impossible situations without breaking any law, same as those past legal issues. What I do know is I am driven, I am only asking for guidance, and probably am not doing that quite right; for that I apologize; I am used to doing things either alone or two or three other people helping me. I am not used to having as huge of a resource available as there is here with as much experience as well. I am not trolling, again, I am looking for guidance and do not really know where to start or how to ask but had to start somewhere.
@Phoenix, being "a very good shot at distance without a scope" is great, but anything you do or say as a civilian won't mean diddlysquat to your drill instructor or primary marksmanship instructor. In fact in bootcamp they will break you of all civilian marksmanship preconceptions during snap-in. Secondly, all Marines, regardless of MOS, are trained to be and expected to be very good shots at distance with iron sights: 200, 300 and 500 yards. You have to shoot high expert during rifle qual and serve in Marine infantry until you attain the rank of Lance Corporal--usually about a year in--and your battalion has to recommend you for Scout/Sniper assignment. Once you are in a Scout/Sniper unit, they decide if you're worthy to go to Scout/Sniper school to actually attain the 0317 MOS.

Do you think at age 35 you are just magically going to become a Marine Scout/Sniper? Dude, you have to get through bootcamp first, then SOI and a shitload of other hurdles before you get where you say you want to be.
Age restrictions for each branch are different, and yes, Air Force will take me. I was thinking transfer after contract is over with from the A.F, or during. I have to research more about Blue to Green program.
I think we are all dumber for having read this thread. You aren't in any branch yet and are talking about transferring. GTFO here with this nonsense. Unless someone has a compelling reason to reopen this shit show, thread closed.
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