Body Fat Percentage

Thanks for all of the input and advice. I want this more than anything so I will not give up. I was shocked when I read the post about consuming 6k calories and still loosing weight, that's amazing! I found that when I did my standard workout like I was suppose to and then did a second workout in the same day like a slow jog for an hour that seemed to do the trick. That is when I was loosing body fat the most steadily. Thanks
Some of my best performance was garnered at 12-15%
That's a good place to stay, that's what I shoot for, aside from the periodic trips up to 18 or 20 around holidays and leave (especially in the winter).

Generalized guidelines for powerlifting/weightlifting is to bounce between 10 and 15% when cutting/bulking, only going below 10 to make weight if absolutely needed. Performance starts to be compromised below 10, and above 15 you have too much mass that's not working for you.