Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

If we execute him we risk him becoming a martyr, allowing him to languish the rest of his life in prison.... Good punishment.
Allow him to serve life and this is the reason. He killed many people including kids. Gen pop hard pip hitters hate kid killers. He will suffer in the clink. I presume, even in protective, somehow, he will suffer. I agree with TLDR. He would be a martyr.

I don't buy the martyr argument/reasoning. Yes I understand it, but I think it's meaningless, particularly in this case.
Slaughter a pig at his feet, wipe the remains on his body, then shoot him.
Otherwise I agree.

He deserves no less than to be drawn and quartered, then fed to wild hogs.

Fry that bitch. Cut off his ear. Piss on the bod. Kick the carcass, light a cigarette and walk the fuck away.

I don't mean any disrespect here, but how are we better than those we are fighting if we do any of these things?

We have an amazing justice system here. Let's show that we punish those who do the worst to us fairly, let's be an example.
I don't mean any disrespect here, but how are we better than those we are fighting if we do any of these things?

We have an amazing justice system here. Let's show that we punish those who do the worst to us fairly, let's be an example.

I completely understand and agree BUT that way of doing business hasn't done much to stem the tide. They don't care how fair we are, was Muhammad fair?
I don't mean any disrespect here, but how are we better than those we are fighting if we do any of these things?

We have an amazing justice system here. Let's show that we punish those who do the worst to us fairly, let's be an example.
Barbarians view civilized society as a weak society, sometimes you have to be as barbaric as those you fight in order to convey your message (of determination/strength) to them.
Letting future jihadis know a pig bath just prior to execution is their fate may deter a few of the less devout jihadis.
I completely understand and agree BUT that way of doing business hasn't done much to stem the tide. They don't care how fair we are, was Muhammad fair?

He was an expendable tool that was used by his own choice. Those that he was trying to please have already forgotten about him and he is simply a short lived wind in their opinions. "They" probably lauded him and his brother when they did what they did...but a couple days later...they are old news.

We need to be consistent in our punishment...even more than brutal.

Personally, I think I am more "evolved" than they are and will deal with them in a more evolved manner.

Just my humble opinion...I don't need to be on their level to deal out justice.
Barbarians view civilized society as a weak society, sometimes you have to be as barbaric as those you fight in order to convey your message (of determination/strength) to them.

Let them. We aren't doing anything for the barbarians, they will always exist. However a lot of the world is watching what we do. We should be more civilized than they would be.

Mr. Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 charges against him.


The verdict sets the stage for a second, more contentious phase of the trial in which the same jury will decide whether to sentence him to life in prison or death.

I can only hope it's death, I won't be upset if it's life without the possibility of parole. It will suck though because certain liberals and jihadists will use his incarceration as ammunition to further their warped goals.

Tamerlan was wounded and ran out of ammunition. Several officers tackled him as Dzhokhar jumped in the Mercedes and started speeding toward the officers, as if to mow them down, they testified; in the process, he ran over his brother. Tamerlan’s body got stuck in the undercarriage of the Mercedes and was dragged about 50 feet; his body was finally dislodged when Dzhokhar sideswiped a police car.

That gives me great pleasure to read, I did not know this happened. Karma's a bitch! 8-)
He's not important enough to be a meaningful martyr. Keeping him alive only gives people some other ridiculous negotiating point when they kidnap someone America thinks is important. Not to mention the extreme cost of keeping a 21 year old in prison for the rest of his life. Execute him in accordance with our laws and be done with it.