Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

He's not important enough to be a meaningful martyr. Keeping him alive only gives people some other ridiculous negotiating point when they kidnap someone America thinks is important. Not to mention the extreme cost of keeping a 21 year old in prison for the rest of his life. Execute him in accordance with our laws and be done with it.

If he is sentenced to death I won't care. I don't know what my thoughts are on the death penalty. But using cost is a poor reason to justify his execution. The government has to pay for the myriad of appeals that are likely to take place. Those appeals will be costly. He probably won't be executed for 20 years anyway. By then the pain will have eased and his execution will only serve to renew the pain in his victims.
In my opinion he's in the same category as Timothy McVeigh. Both are scum bags and both deserve to be dead. But... that's up to our justice system. God Bless America.

I don't mean any disrespect here, but how are we better than those we are fighting if we do any of these things?

We have an amazing justice system here. Let's show that we punish those who do the worst to us fairly, let's be an example.

I understand where you're coming from, but that amazing justice system includes the death penalty for a reason. Sometimes you can debate the application of the penalty, either for moral or probative reasons, but this isn't one of those situations.
If he is sentenced to death I won't care. I don't know what my thoughts are on the death penalty. But using cost is a poor reason to justify his execution. The government has to pay for the myriad of appeals that are likely to take place. Those appeals will be costly. He probably won't be executed for 20 years anyway. By then the pain will have eased and his execution will only serve to renew the pain in his victims.

How can you not know what your thoughts are on the death penalty? Aren't they your thoughts?

The cost isn't a justification of a death sentence, it's an observation. His own actions provided all of the justification necessary for a death sentence to be carried out. If he does die at the hands of the state, he won't be a martyr in any meaningful sense. But he will be a lightning rod for all kinds of far left political groups and other terrorists while he remains alive. That, too, is merely an observation.

He committed a capital crime under our laws, and I hope he is given a death sentence, and that sentence is carried out.
How can you not know what your thoughts are on the death penalty? Aren't they your thoughts?

The cost isn't a justification of a death sentence, it's an observation. His own actions provided all of the justification necessary for a death sentence to be carried out. If he does die at the hands of the state, he won't be a martyr in any meaningful sense. But he will be a lightning rod for all kinds of far left political groups and other terrorists while he remains alive. That, too, is merely an observation.

He committed a capital crime under our laws, and I hope he is given a death sentence, and that sentence is carried out.

I don't know enough about Capital Punishment to have formulated a strong opinion on it either way for or against. If it fits the description of a death penalty case I won't lose any sleep over his death. I saw this as an opportunity to gauge responses and maybe talk about Capital Punishment.
I don't know enough about Capital Punishment to have formulated a strong opinion on it either way for or against. If it fits the description of a death penalty case I won't lose any sleep over his death. I saw this as an opportunity to gauge responses and maybe talk about Capital Punishment.

Capital Punishment is worthy of a thread of it's own. There has been more than one case before the SCOTUS over the method of capital punishment alone.
I have some intel on this, but it should be in a separate thread.
As someone from the area I have to say I want him out of the state. I can see where @TLDR20 is coming from regarding the use of the death penalty- the long term cost of housing him separately and enduring appeal after appeal really isn't worth the short term satisfaction of him dying. And nothing we do would be brutal enough in comparisson to his crimes. So lock him up somewhere far from Mass, outside New England, and let him be forgotten. That helps the healing for the families. I hadn't even really thought about how taxing the appeals process is for the families and surviving victims.
As someone from the area I have to say I want him out of the state. I can see where @TLDR20 is coming from regarding the use of the death penalty- the long term cost of housing him separately and enduring appeal after appeal really isn't worth the short term satisfaction of him dying. And nothing we do would be brutal enough in comparisson to his crimes. So lock him up somewhere far from Mass, outside New England, and let him be forgotten. That helps the healing for the families. I hadn't even really thought about how taxing the appeals process is for the families and surviving victims.

The families and victims are meaningless in the larger picture. "short term satisfaction"? You have this all wrong. We need to send a message to the larger audience. Send him away, forget it? Really? Burying you head in the sand has never been a viable option in the past, why would it be now?

We are in a war, how many US citizens died in this attack? How many have died in the GWOT?
People die, it sucks, but we are trying to win a war, not "make right" every single event that happens.
"Brutal"? what does that have to do with anything? Follow the word of the law.
I think this discussion goes way beyond the question of right/wrong of capital punishment or the cost of either the death penalty or life in prison.

Putting him to death should be viewed not only from our point of view but the view of others around the world including the bad guys. Neither solution is perfect and they're wins and losses on both sides.

Will I have a problem with him getting a death sentence, no. I will be just as happy to see him on 23 hour lock down for the rest of his life in a Supermax prison and I will wish him a long life in the process. To be forgotten in 5 years and on 23 hour lock-down in a pen for the next 4 decades has a lot of win in it for me as well.

The death sentence is a short term happy conclusion, I like the thought of decades of horrible treatment for the truly bad people. Then again those are easy feelings when your not directly involved.
Don't want to step out of my lane here so I'll make this short. People have been given the death penalty for less than what he did. I feel as though he'd just be a waste of time, money, and space if given a life sentence, considering that he is still in his 20s.

Then again, I've read that most people from Massachusetts disagree with giving him the death penalty, which is something to take into account when debating what his sentence should be.
Don't want to step out of my lane here so I'll make this short. People have been given the death penalty for less than what he did. I feel as though he'd just be a waste of time, money, and space if given a life sentence, considering that he is still in his 20s.

Then again, I've read that most people from Massachusetts disagree with giving him the death penalty, which is something to take into account when debating what his sentence should be.

Fuck them. We have bigger concerns than people's "feelings".
Fuck them. We have bigger concerns than people's "feelings".

As much as I agree in principle, I think the reality is that everything is about "my feelings" these days -- in the sense that that's what politicians are now pandering to, above and beyond what's actually good for the country. Anything to get elected or reelected.

Fuck people.