Brigitte Gabriel for the Win


Special Forces
Verified SOF
Sep 18, 2010
I've long thought the peaceful majority argument to be irrelevant, but she really knows how to articulate the point.
The Left disputes the 15-25% figure.

They say there's a difference between violent Muslim extremists and non-violent Muslim radicals; so therefore, they say, the non-violent but radical Muslims should not count. In my mind, non-violent Muslims who aid and abet the violent factions through deeds or financial contributions or even words, comprise the support side of the Jihadist movement and must be counted at least as facilitators.
@Ocoka One , it's like arguing that only the guerillas are part of the insurgency, and that the auxiliary support is innocent.
There are an estimated 1.7-billion Muslims. Just 1% of 1.7-billion is 17-million. If just 1% of Muslims are extremists, we have 17-million enemies. If it's 15 to 25%, we better keep making bullets.
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There are an estimated 1.7-billion Muslims. Just 1% of 1.7-billion is 17-million. If just 1% of Muslims are extremists, we have 17-million enemies. If it's 15 to 25%, we better keep making bullets.
I don't know if the stats are floating around, but I bet it's upwards of 100 rounds per EKIA in recent conflict.

This sounds like it's going to be expensive.
I don't know if the stats are floating around, but I bet it's upwards of 100 rounds per EKIA in recent conflict.

This sounds like it's going to be expensive.

I think in my war it was something like 500 per. At least we're getting to be better shots. ;-)