CA limiting police use of firearms

These law makers are just pawns to their voting populace. They want to continue the favors and privlage that comes with being in Office. There is little courage and leadership left in our inter-cities. I don’t agree with everything POTUS does but he has courage to do what he believes is right. There is zero chance these politicians think this is right. Hats off to CA LEOs, better men than I for being able continue to be noble servants to the people of CA.
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There is zero chance these politicians think this is right.

See, that's the problem right there. They DO believe they are doing the right thing.

I believe several factors are at play here, not least a poor understanding of the dynamics of a deadly force encounter and a healthy dislike and distrust of authority. The latter is funny, given that they themselves are in a position of authority that was given to them by means of a popularity contest and not the extensive vetting law enforcement officers are subjected to.
This is funny/ ironic in the sense that we've seen cases where civil rights activists, BLM supporters, etc. have gone through shoot/ no-shoot scenarios and walked away with a healthy understanding of the problems facing LEOs. I'm willing to bet a lot of the complaints would dry up if more went through that experience. You'll still have cases where an LEO did something stupid, but a lot of these "he had a cellphone" or "it was a toy gun" arguments will never see the light of day.
See, that's the problem right there. They DO believe they are doing the right thing.

I believe several factors are at play here, not least a poor understanding of the dynamics of a deadly force encounter and a healthy dislike and distrust of authority. The latter is funny, given that they themselves are in a position of authority that was given to them by means of a popularity contest and not the extensive vetting law enforcement officers are subjected to.

Yeah sadly you’re correct. Glad I serve a town where these ideas are still foreign.