"Caliber vs. Shot Placement"

As an firearms instructor in my past life and having fired thousands of rounds, I can't get my head wrapped around why anyone would question caliper over shot placement. Wtf... In all my years I never once considered one round over another...shot placement was and has always been paramount.

I carry a G43 (primary summer carry) and a Sig P220 for employment and winter carry). You carry what works for you...$.02

I bought a 220 Legion a few weeks ago, that thing is a beast! Having trouble finding holsters, do you recommend anything?
I bought a 220 Legion a few weeks ago, that thing is a beast! Having trouble finding holsters, do you recommend anything?

Get in touch with Okuden, Brian may be able to get something made if you want kydex. It may take a while, he's pretty busy with taking care of the spartan Blades guys for their knife sheaths.
Hi there! I don't understand the argument. Please help!

A few sticks and some string can be used to kill most anything at the same ranges as a pistol can be used - so - I am going with shot placement....

...and big bullets

The real question is, fixed blade or mechanical broadheads ??

Fixed all the way, sir. No question. People love Rage until the o-ring pops off and your blades all fall out.