Canada Invaded by 1500 Illegal 'Muricans!!!

It just goes to show you, we will grab anything that floats to get away from the pending Hillary regime, even if it means escaping to a place where all the people wear lumberjack shirts and smell like rancid beaver pelts. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Where else are we supposed to get our maple syrup and quality bacon from? #maplesyruprefugees

Vermont or maybe Conneticut? I know it will be inferior quality but so is that Tex Mex crap you sent up here. Canada demands quality tacos!! Maybe we need to start dealing directly with Mexico for our taco needs.
That article is hilarious.
"There were American's everywhere."
"There's no question they were involuntarily coming to Canada."
"Once the floaters were fished out of the water or simply gathered up on shore, they were shipped back to the U.S."
FLOATERS! ROFLMAO! Stinkin' Americans.
That article is hilarious.
"There were American's everywhere."
"There's no question they were involuntarily coming to Canada."
"Once the floaters were fished out of the water or simply gathered up on shore, they were shipped back to the U.S."
FLOATERS! ROFLMAO! Stinkin' Americans.

You forgot deviant. Canada may not like that, either. :sneaky::p

Vermont or maybe Conneticut? I know it will be inferior quality but so is that Tex Mex crap you sent up here. Canada demands quality tacos!! Maybe we need to start dealing directly with Mexico for our taco needs.
When I get a chance, I will post pics and directions for buche and carnita tacos.
Helen Reddy. You gave us Helen Reddy: I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too large to ignore, we are invincible blah blah blah...That's like the crabs, the clap and a yeast infection in your brain. Thanks, Canada. And you're taking credit for Justin Bieber???