Canada Invaded by 1500 Illegal 'Muricans!!!

They gave you them and you guys made them successful and famous.

I'm not sure who's more to blame.
They gave you them and you guys made them successful and famous.

I'm not sure who's more to blame.

That's a fair point, but you're still from New Zealand and I'm not.

Twenty Interesting Fun Facts About Canada:

15. Canada is home to approximately 55,000 different species of insects.

Canada has banned members of the Westboro Baptist Church from entering their country.

That interesting fact alone makes me a Canada fan.
Nickelback, Justin Bieber, and Drake (Fuck Drake) are like Canadian sleeper agents. Canada raises them to "proficiency" through mix tapes and shitty Youtube videos, then when the time is right, reminds them the only real success is across the Southern border.

They then come, build their merry little furry band of clinically disillusioned followers, make all of the monies, and sow discontent and hate amongst the followers of said chucklefucks, and those that know better. America will slowly divide, while Canada grows stronger off of our misery and cherry picks our best citizens who say " fuck this shit, I'd rather live in Canada".

Canada FTW!
How do you imagine the band itself has long outlived it's rightful shelf life? The haters keep them in the public eye.

(Apologies to @Freefalling.)

The tone deaf, middle-aged women, bad strippers, and the borderline "special education" cases out there.

Nickelback, Justin Bieber, and Drake (Fuck Drake) are like Canadian sleeper agents. Canada raises them to "proficiency" through mix tapes and shitty Youtube videos, then when the time is right, reminds them the only real success is across the Southern border.

They then come, build their merry little furry band of clinically disillusioned followers, make all of the monies, and sow discontent and hate amongst the followers of said chucklefucks, and those that know better. America will slowly divide, while Canada grows stronger off of our misery and cherry picks our best citizens who say " fuck this shit, I'd rather live in Canada".

Canada FTW!

There's an appropriate Training Day meme for this post but it will probably brand me a racist or something. My....hmm, you got mad squabbles, boy.
When will they ban Nickelback?

Never. Negative publicity for Canada is still publicity.

How do you imagine the band itself has long outlived it's rightful shelf life? The haters keep them in the public eye.

(Apologies to @Freefalling.)

So they've sold, god help us what, 40 or 50 million (Tha Fuck????) records? Who in sweet merciless hell are these people? Because the one thing I've never heard uttered from human lips is "Nickelback? Love em, they're my favorite band!". So I ask, where do these soulless heathens reside?

I mean is it something like anal? Something some people love to do behind closed doors, but to never ever be brought up in civilized and polite society?
So they've sold, god help us what, 40 or 50 million (Tha Fuck????) records? Who in sweet merciless hell are these people? Because the one thing I've never heard uttered from human lips is "Nickelback? Love em, they're my favorite band!". So I ask, where do these soulless heathens reside?

I mean is it something like anal? Something some people love to do behind closed doors, but to never ever be brought up in civilized and polite society?

Shhhh, you don't want to offend a certain Admin that moonlights as the "Worldwide President of the Nickelback Uber Ghey Club". ;-):-" It may or may not be @Freefalling.