Nothing like a long term "no bid" contract to make sure the guys doing the fighting have the best weapon for the tax payers money:
Colt's grip on military rifle criticized
By RICHARD LARDNER, Associated Press Writer Sun Apr 20, 4:22 PM ET
HARTFORD, Conn. - No weapon is more important to tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan than the carbine rifle. And for well over a decade, the military has relied on one company, Colt Defense of Hartford, Conn., to make the M4s they trust with their lives.
Now, as Congress considers spending millions more on the guns, this exclusive arrangement is being criticized as a bad deal for American forces as well as taxpayers, according to interviews and research conducted by The Associated Press.
Colt's grip on military rifle criticized
By RICHARD LARDNER, Associated Press Writer Sun Apr 20, 4:22 PM ET
HARTFORD, Conn. - No weapon is more important to tens of thousands of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan than the carbine rifle. And for well over a decade, the military has relied on one company, Colt Defense of Hartford, Conn., to make the M4s they trust with their lives.
Now, as Congress considers spending millions more on the guns, this exclusive arrangement is being criticized as a bad deal for American forces as well as taxpayers, according to interviews and research conducted by The Associated Press.