Combat Aviation Advisor


Sep 20, 2015
Hi guys,
I recently read an article about the 6th Special Operation Squadron and it intrigued me. I'd never heard about this before and now I'm reconsidering talking to army recruiters(I am in REALY preliminary stages of recruiting and have just talked to a recruiter from the army and gotten some literature and asked a few questions and things). Special operations and aviation are two of my big interests and this seems to incorporate both in a really unique way. Does anyone know if there are any CAA guys on this site or where I might be able to find one to ask some questions? I found a factsheet online about the CAA qualification course so I know the basics but I am finding very little else. Thanks in advance!
Hi guys,
I recently read an article about the 6th Special Operation Squadron and it intrigued me. I'd never heard about this before and now I'm reconsidering talking to army recruiters(I am in REALY preliminary stages of recruiting and have just talked to a recruiter from the army and gotten some literature and asked a few questions and things). Special operations and aviation are two of my big interests and this seems to incorporate both in a really unique way. Does anyone know if there are any CAA guys on this site or where I might be able to find one to ask some questions? I found a factsheet online about the CAA qualification course so I know the basics but I am finding very little else. Thanks in advance!

We have one but he pops in and out (they stay busy, go figure). Good dude. Give him time and I'm sure he'll see this thread.
I happen to be home for once. Just understand, I leave again in a few days and I place a very high value on my time with my family - do not waste my time with inane shit that Google can answer.

That said, what would you like to know?
Thank you so much my main question is are all aviators allowed to attempt selection regardless of the platform they are assigned to? I understand that you also need to be very experienced in your career field before even considering applying and becoming a pilot(or CSO) is sort of a long term goal as is but does one need to do anything in particular to become eligible or is their anything one can do early in their career to make things easier later on? I could only find basic factsheets and short articles online and it seemed presumptuous to try and call the unit directly since I wouldn't be attempting selection for years and they definitely have more important things happening as I'm sure you do so thanks again for your time and your service.
Thank you so much my main question is are all aviators allowed to attempt selection regardless of the platform they are assigned to? I understand that you also need to be very experienced in your career field before even considering applying and becoming a pilot(or CSO) is sort of a long term goal as is but does one need to do anything in particular to become eligible or is their anything one can do early in their career to make things easier later on? I could only find basic factsheets and short articles online and it seemed presumptuous to try and call the unit directly since I wouldn't be attempting selection for years and they definitely have more important things happening as I'm sure you do so thanks again for your time and your service.
Also is there a site like and the like that has more focus on CAA stuff?
are all aviators allowed to attempt selection regardless of the platform they are assigned to?

As long as they meet the prerequisites, yes. We have hired guys with backgrounds ranging from attack to airlift to tankers to helicopters.

I understand that you also need to be very experienced in your career field before even considering applying and becoming a pilot(or CSO) is sort of a long term goal as is but does one need to do anything in particular to become eligible or is their anything one can do early in their career to make things easier later on?

Experience in your assigned specialty is extremely important - strive to be the guy that others consult when they have questions that relate to your specialty. You have to be qualified as an instructor within your specialty. Gain experience teaching, but not at the expense of "real world" experience - academic knowledge will not get you very far in this job if you've never had to adapt it to real world, austere situations.

Also is there a site like and the like that has more focus on CAA stuff?

No - this is an extremely small community and there isn't much out there about what we do for various reasons.

One other thing: CAA's encompass over twenty different specialties - not all of them are aircrew. We have SERE, AFE, maintenance, communications, Security Forces, etc. All CAA's receive the same initial training. My point is, while there is nothing wrong with being aircrew, it is not the only path into the unit.
As long as they meet the prerequisites, yes. We have hired guys with backgrounds ranging from attack to airlift to tankers to helicopters.

Experience in your assigned specialty is extremely important - strive to be the guy that others consult when they have questions that relate to your specialty. You have to be qualified as an instructor within your specialty. Gain experience teaching, but not at the expense of "real world" experience - academic knowledge will not get you very far in this job if you've never had to adapt it to real world, austere situations.

No - this is an extremely small community and there isn't much out there about what we do for various reasons.

One other thing: CAA's encompass over twenty different specialties - not all of them are aircrew. We have SERE, AFE, maintenance, communications, Security Forces, etc. All CAA's receive the same initial training. My point is, while there is nothing wrong with being aircrew, it is not the only path into the unit.
Thank you so much for your time and knowledge sir