i disagree wholeheartedly - it's the same on both sides. Being a medic, I can walk anywhere into a crown of marines, and everyone there has my back once the words "dude, he's a 'Doc' " come out of someone's mouth. On the same token, any one of my Joes - past or present, would lay a nut on the chopping block if it meant keeping me safe and sound. I've been Evac, Line, and Aid Station, and invariably, I have PLT SGT's fighting over who gets to have me as their medic. it's not so much a Corpsman/68W thing, as it is who takes better care of there people. if you work hard, learn, and constantly strive to improve your medical/tactical knowledge, your charges will walk through hell for you and enjoy the trip.
FM is right. When you suck the same shit as your grunts and put up with the same BS, all the while taking care of them like they were your kids, and making sure they have whatever they need before you do, there comes a point when your grunts won't let you do anything outside the scope of medicine. need some water? "take mine, Doc, I ain't thirsty." hungry? "Doc, here's half my ration, you're lookin' thin." tired? "Doc, catch a nap, I'll wake you up for guard later." (only to find that another Joe took your spot so you could get a continuous 4-6 hours once you wake up.) There is no job I would rather do in the military than be a medic, because no where else can you find a bond like that of grunts and their 'Doc'.
the IDC goes to the same SOCM course as the 18D. as far as pay goes, paygrades are paygrades. if you plan on being a lifer, it's the same either way, but you will more than likely go through the ranks faster in the Army. However, you will GENERALLY see nicer places in the Navy, vs the Army. I like being an Army Medic, and I plan on being in Army Medicine in one capacity or another for a long time. do some research, talk to both groups, see what you like. Do you even like water? if not, the Navy ain't for you, bud.