Cross training.


Sep 2, 2014
Hello again,
I was trying to get into the Air Force with a Tacp contract when all of the sudden every slot was filled. I am still a civilian and not in deps but it will be about six months until more contracts are available. My question is this, what is the likely hood of me joining the Air Force as something else (fireman maybe) and then being able to cross train into CCT. I know I said TACP earlier but if I have some extra time to get into even better shape I would want to push for my ultimate goal of CCT.
Thank you.
Hello again,
I was trying to get into the Air Force with a Tacp contract when all of the sudden every slot was filled. I am still a civilian and not in deps but it will be about six months until more contracts are available. My question is this, what is the likely hood of me joining the Air Force as something else (fireman maybe) and then being able to cross train into CCT. I know I said TACP earlier but if I have some extra time to get into even better shape I would want to push for my ultimate goal of CCT.
Thank you.
Cross-training in the AF is always an iffy thing.
Wait for TACP, or wait for CCT, but I don't recommend signing up for a career field thinking you will cross-train 4 years from now.
Wait for the job you want and train. My goal was to be a SEAL, but I followed a recruiters advice and picked SAR. I put in my BUDS package as soon as I could, but my community wouldn't let me go. Eight years later I am being told the same thing. If you have a goal in mind do not make exceptions.
Interesting. I'm currently working on getting a TACP slot and my recruiter hasn't told me anything about there being none. However I have another meeting with him Monday so maybe he'll say something to me about it then.
Interesting. I'm currently working on getting a TACP slot and my recruiter hasn't told me anything about there being none. However I have another meeting with him Monday so maybe he'll say something to me about it then.
There may be none left for FY 15 (a possibility) but FY 16 slots should be dropping in a few months.
Focus on the 25m here, make sure you are qualified for everything officially (ASVAB, MEPS, PAST, TAPAS) first and get into DEP. Also just a tid bit, don't go to the TACP schoolhouse and say your ultimate goal is CCT, if they have it I can almost guarantee you'll be peer'd out.

Cross training is completely unpredictable right now considering you are not even in the military yet and things can and do change. As with all things, everything is subject to change with little to no notice and you may or may not be able to cross train based on your career field, needs of the AF or whatever else can come in your way.

With that said though for knowledge purposes for those who do need it here is the following:

This is directly from myPers: (Subject to change)

Airmen assigned in the Continental United States (CONUS) apply for retraining no earlier than the first duty day of the month, when they complete 35 months of their current enlistment (59 months for 6-year enlistees), but no later than the last duty day of the 43rd month of their current enlistment (67 months for 6-year enlistees).

Airman assigned overseas apply between the 15th and 9th month before their date eligible to return from overseas (DEROS) and will enter their retraining window (35th – 43rd month for 4-year enlistees) or (59th – 67th month for 6 year enlistees) on or before their Date Eligible to Return from Overseas (DEROS).

First Term Airmen (FTA) may also apply for early retraining, into Shortfall Requirements List AFSCs only at the half-way point (4-year enlistees may apply upon completion of 24 months of service of their current enlistment; 6-year enlistees may apply upon completion of 36 months of service of their current enlistment). FTA are highly encouraged to obtain additional counseling before choosing this option.

(Even though an AFSC may be listed on the shortfall list, it does not guarantee there are slots available to retrain into.)

If you decide to retrain and you meet the eligibility requirements, initiate a retraining request using the following procedures:

  1. Review the Online Retraining Advisory; to identify AFSCs you may be interested in retraining into.
  2. Review the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD); for the AFSC description. NOTE: Review Aptitude Qualification Examination (AQE) requirements for the AFSC you desire to retrain into. You are not currently qualified for that AFSC if your current AQE scores do not meet or exceed the required AQE. You may schedule a retest to try to improve your scores.
  3. Review retainability requirements for retraining in AFI 36-2626, Airman Retraining Program, Table 3.3.
  4. Complete the Retraining Application
  5. Submit your Retraining Application to the myPers - Total Force Service Center (myPers-TFSC). The system will notify your commander that you have submitted an application and give your commander instructions on how to report any changes that might render you ineligible to retrain. The myPers - Total Force Service Center will submit your completed application to the AFPC Retraining Office for final decision. You will be notified on the results of your application.

For CCT you have a total of 5 advisory notes to check. 4G1 461 278 418 424
Second term SrA may apply for SSgt quotas
Active Duty retrainees are required to complete the Combat Control Retrainee Assessment prior to entering pipeline training as a 1C2X1
Successful completion (within three months of qualification eligibility determination) of the Combat Control Team (CCT) Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST) location on the HQ AETC/A3T Portal page
Must be in grade of E-5 or below with less than 10 years of TAFMS for Combat Control (1C2X1)
For disqualified airman. Do not disapprove application at the myPers-Total Force Service Center based solely on mismatches between grade objectives. See BPO.

CCT Retraining assessment to my knowledge has a NDA with it so no one but people who have gone, are in or run the course really know what goes on there so I wont speculate, has a retraining assessment thread you can look at which will help with anyone cross training.