Tactical Tracking Level 1
This class is open to law enforcement officers, corrections personnel, SAR, military personnel and any previous graduates of Gunsite Academy courses. Consideration will also be given to certain specialists such as forensic examiners who may have use of tracking skills for evidence recovery.
Cost of the course: $750

To register for this class contact:
3044 Player Avenue
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650-6606
United States of America
Cell: 702-498-6765 (24 hours)
Email: mantrack@aol.com
Presented by the Scott Donelan Tracking School at Gunsite Academy
This very successful Level 1 Tactical Tracking course consists of 44 hours instruction based upon David Scott-Donelan’s almost 50 years of operational and instructional experience world-wide. Constructed in such a way, it is suitable for police, corrections, military and SAR personnel. Commencing with individual tracking skills it progresses to team techniques and tactics which can be effectively utilized in just about every terrain type as well as urban environments and for night tracking operations.This class is open to law enforcement officers, corrections personnel, SAR, military personnel and any previous graduates of Gunsite Academy courses. Consideration will also be given to certain specialists such as forensic examiners who may have use of tracking skills for evidence recovery.
Cost of the course: $750

To register for this class contact:
3044 Player Avenue
Sierra Vista, AZ 85650-6606
United States of America
Cell: 702-498-6765 (24 hours)
Email: mantrack@aol.com
Tactical Tracking Level 1
- November 16, 2020 - November 20, 2020
- March 1, 2021 - March 5, 2021
- May 3, 2021 - May 7, 2021
- July 12, 2021 - July 16, 2021
- September 20, 2021 - September 24, 2021
- November 1, 2021 - November 5, 2021