Decorated Marine attacked by group of teens outside D.C. McDonald's

I have a special place in my heart for the coward who hangs in groups and relies on the sucker punch to impose their will on others.
Was he wearing his uniform at the time or clothing that identified a military affiliation? If not then the "Decorated Marine" part shouldn't be in the headline or even leading the story. We've become our own #blacklivesmatter crowd as though a veteran's well being matters more than someone who never served. Make the ironic connection later in the article, but how many people were assaulted in America that very day and didn't receive a story in USA Today? I understand his connection to a heroic and iconic event, but if this attack had nothing to do with his service then it shouldn't drive the article.

That they told him to go to the VA for medical care is hilarious in an angry sort of way. That's like going to the Clintons for IT advice...

I hope he makes a full recovery and those responsible go to an adult jail.

ETA: clarity, spelling, and grammar
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If he was allowed to carry a gun, he could have been able to defend himself after the initial attack. Hope he sues the city for violating his civil rights.

Unfortunately, whether he possessed a firearm or not...people are afraid to defend themselves against thugs and thuggery. It's that simple.

We -- as a nation -- need to free ourselves from the fear of defending ourselves against predators...regardless of their gender, color, etc.

Until we do...the predators will prey with impunity!
The decorated Marine angle only plays into this after-the-fact when the media's writing up the copy.

I bet he's wishing he'd brought a Louisville Slugger into that McD's.
So a Marine veteran who is not racist, was assaulted and robbed by several black racist at McDonald's?

Saw an interview from the Marine on Fox news, I like that he called these black kids out for being racist.
So a Marine veteran who is not racist, was assaulted and robbed by several black racist at McDonald's?

Saw an interview from the Marine on Fox news, I like that he called these black kids out for being racist.
Do you have anything to support the bold?
Racism is racism regardless of what color the perpetrator is.
They sound like stupid fucking kids. Sharpton, Jackson and their ilk are racists. These kids are just oxygen thieves who deserve the rusty pizza cutter special, but that doesn't make them racists.
...These kids are just oxygen thieves who deserve the rusty pizza cutter special, but that doesn't make them racists.

He was a white guy sitting alone. They baited him with questions about "do Black Lives Matter" and used the alleged bigotry of his race as an excuse to assault and rob him. Reverse the scenario, make it a black guy sitting alone and group of white teenagers using the same excuse and you have racism and a hate crime. There's no distinction between being a racist or being a non-racist who uses racial excuses to attack somebody.
Do you have anything to support the bold?
Racism is racism regardless of what color the perpetrator is.
They sound like stupid fucking kids. Sharpton, Jackson and their ilk are racists. These kids are just oxygen thieves who deserve the rusty pizza cutter special, but that doesn't make them racists.

Those were actually the Marines personal words used during a Fox news interview. I'll take 'him' for his word...thanks for trying to 'educate' me on racism, but I've got a pretty good handle on it.
I am glad that I have reached the point in my life where I don't see race...I see threats and non-threats.

Others can try their best to make it otherwise, but I won't take the bait.
He was a white guy sitting alone. They baited him with questions about "do Black Lives Matter" and used the alleged bigotry of his race as an excuse to assault and rob him. Reverse the scenario, make it a black guy sitting alone and group of white teenagers using the same excuse and you have racism and a hate crime. There's no distinction between being a racist or being a non-racist who uses racial excuses to attack somebody.
A hate crime, really? I don't see it as any different if the roles are reversed.
So check this out, as Agoge alluded to, I don't see race in all this or anywhere else for that matter until you bring extremists into the conversation. I'd be willing to bet you, and everyone else here, a soda that these idiots don't even know where Black Lives Matter came from, its context or anything else other than it was a hashtag they saw on Twitter or FB. The story as is, is dumb kids doing stupid shit. The kids called the Marine a racist, probably completely un-based. So fucking what? I wish the Marine had been armed and had sent them all to the hospital vice what actually transpired. My comment would be the same if the Marine was black and the kids were white...brown Marine, white kids...yellow Marine, black Marine, yellow kids...doesn't matter much to me. If you're being a shit head, I don't care what color your skin is, you're being a shit head and you deserve to be dealt with accordingly. These kids weren't spouting off about racial superiority, they were being shit heads.
Someone who once fought for equality (not the race baiting assholes that exist today) made a passing comment about being judged not by the color of one's skin, but by the content of their character. So I guess that's what I'm doing here. These kids character has been found severely wanting. I could give a shit less about the color of their skin.
To reiterate my point, whether they understood it or not, they used a racially-driven excuse to attack a person. That doesn't necessarily make them racists but it doesn't disqualify them either. Neither you nor I have the power to examine the inside of their minds, which in any case, probably contain a lot of empty space. I appreciate the lecture on not judging people by the color of their skin, which I have never done, and applaud your purity, but if you're suggesting my post was racist, then I believe you've misinterpreted my statements.

I don't want to beat a dead horse here, I've made some comments without prejudice and stand by them and I respect your point of view.