Just got back home.. Great convention. Here are a few pics if anyone is interested.
Waiting in swag line, guy in front of me had mariokart on his back that people could play
That was the official badge this year. Has a board on the back with some LEDs that bleed through when you "pair" it with other people and other types of badges. So pairing with the goons (security), other humans, speakers, vendors, press, artists, and variety of other types of people will eventually "level" you up. Pretty cool idea and it got people interacting with people.
Some swag
Highend SDRs for sale in the vendor area.
Some people were able to reverse engineer the badge and read how successful have been in leveling. I had 28.57% of the flags unlocked by this point. My wife had 42.86%, so she was cheating on on me with other badges apparently.
Waterfall from an SDR that was broacasting at the wireless village. Pretty cool they were embedding images into the RF broadcast.
Met Jack from the Darknet Diaries podcast
Got to pull in about 7 gigs of packets from the defcon free wifi. Happy I wasn't on the Wall of Sheep myself