SOF Support
Hey all, for those in the DFW area or close to the DFW area, veteran job fair. See attached flyer. From the email my unit sent me:
" DCCCD Career Services will be at the event on Feb 10, providing tips on interviewing as well as resume writing. This event is open to Veterans and Spouses. There will be 100 companies there, on the spot hiring, and the HEADS of HR (for the companies) will be at each table. Prior to the event, the HR personnel will be briefed on Military 101 – Job Skills"
" DCCCD Career Services will be at the event on Feb 10, providing tips on interviewing as well as resume writing. This event is open to Veterans and Spouses. There will be 100 companies there, on the spot hiring, and the HEADS of HR (for the companies) will be at each table. Prior to the event, the HR personnel will be briefed on Military 101 – Job Skills"