I know, right?
Yeah, whoever ran Base Ops here in 2013 had us in armor constantly. The best part was the first few times were "Wear your armor from 1800L - 0700L" which changed after a few days. I think I know why? That would impact the day shift so it becaome 1900L - 0500L which also allowed PT since Disney is closed from 0530 L - 0700L. After that initial burst of stupid we wore our armor during periods of darkness at least twice a week, but not everyday because apparently the "threat" is part-time. Some MWR facilities, including the gyms, were closed too. DFACs? Bidness as usual. I guess the Yelner DFAC in a tent is safer than a gym in a clamshell?
To ratchet up "the stupid" we had SNCO's walking around with reflective belts OVER their armor with some enforcing the wear of reflective belts...while in armor. Since you can't see the belt if worn at the waist, they were placing it around the mid-torso like a heart monitor strap. This went on for almost a year until a new group of soldiers, from whatever unit, took over running the base.
Insult to injury, PPE wasn't required. Armor in PT's? Yes. Eye pro? Optional. Base? Lit up like a Christmas tree.
It was one of the most ridiculous CYA moves I've seen over here.