Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada


SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup
This is an excellent video.
“Duty with Honour”

Two international awards for DVD

Duty with Honour Video

The DVD “Duty with Honour” has received two international media awards for its outstanding quality and excellence: The Award of Distinction—granted by The Communicator Awards, An International Competition Honouring Excellence in Communications, and the Bronze Telly from the 27th Annual Telly Awards. http://www.dnd.ca/site/focus/DWH/seglist_e.asp
The Bronze Telly is the largest and most prestigious award of its kind, receiving entries from all 50 states in the US, as well as 30 countries around the world. These prestigious prizes are granted by the media industry to recognize the finest in video and film productions. Entries are judged against a high standard of merit and are the most sought-after awards by leaders in the film production industry.
“Duty with Honour: The Profession of Arms in Canada”, the cornerstone document within the CF professional development system was released by the Chief of the Defence Staff in October 2003.
To accompany this manual, a DVD–“Duty with Honour”—was produced in 2005 by the Canadian Defence Academy’s (CDA), Canadian Forces Leadership Institute. Primarily intended as an educational tool, the DVD is a masterpiece of communication. Through poignant images, well chosen words and inspiring music, it manages to not fall in the propaganda category. It addresses the heart and engages the mind as it discusses the core of our military enterprise.
Approximately 17 minutes long, this powerful tool carries the core message that the Profession of Arms is unique and different from any other profession by the demands it places on CF personnel to put the mission above their own circumstances.
Responsibility, expertise and identity are the attributes of our Profession of Arms. They are held together by the concept of Canadian military ethos, which includes the core military values of duty, loyalty, integrity and courage. It is this military ethos, which unifies us and points to our higher loyalty to Canada and the rule of law. Embracing the military ethos, the individual member is able to commit to the mission even at the risk of his or her personal safety and life.

Transcription of Video

Introduction by General R.J. Hillier CMM, CD
Chief of the Defence Staff
Start of introduction
Being a soldier, a sailor, an airman or an airwoman in the profession of arms is to be part of honourable service to Canada. The profession of arms has, and continues to be a fundamental part of our country. Leading and shaping its very formation, protecting its interests and projecting our values. Men and women of character have flocked to serve this profession and their Canada. At home, on the plains of South Africa during the Boer war, at Vimy Ridge in 1917, in Hong Kong, on the beaches of Normandy, in the skies of Great Britain and over Europe and on and beneath the icy North Atlantic, they wrote new definitions for professionalism, courage and valour there and during the brutal winters in Korea. Canadian men and women continue to serve with courage, with commitment, with integrity and with loyalty in countries and regions that have become all too familiar to Canadians. Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia, Afghanistan and now Sudan amongst others. The dedication and commitment and what generally adds up to a sense of duty marks each man and woman serving. Whether they are directly involved in combat operations, risking their lives to save others or supporting Canadians in numerous and different ways, the combination of their work, their diligence and their professionalism has helped build a Canada that continues to be the envy of the world. A Canada where our vast rights are enshrined in our constitution, where the rule of law and democratic governments are embedded in our very fabric and a Canada where our standard of living is an inspiration to the rest of the world. Duty with Honour describes how we, the present and the future generations of Canadians in uniform, will meet our responsibility to Canada and Canadians. We have been handed the torch to hold high, by generations of Canadians who held it so high that they could rightly be described as giants. We stand on the shoulders of these giants. And they, along with all other Canadians expect us to do our duty, and to do it honourably.
Thank you.
End of introduction
Start of narration
When men and women join the Canadian Forces and don the uniform, they enter a unique profession - the Profession of Arms.
They will always remain citizens, but for as long as they serve in uniform they will no longer be civilians, as they assume obligations and responsibilities no other Canadian citizen has.
These Canadian men and women have accepted the special trust placed in them by their country, and draw inspiration and courage from those who came before them - embracing the military's proud heritage, customs and traditions.
The military profession shares some similarities with civilian professions.
Members develop a systematic and specialized body of expertise acquired through education, training and experience.
Like civilian professionals, military professionals perform their duties competently and objectively for the benefit of society.
As within other acknowledged professions, the military is granted considerable authority to self-regulate by the Government and society. However, military professionals serve only one client-the people of Canada.
The profession of arms is uniquely distinguished by the concept of service before self, the lawful, ordered application of military force as directed by the Canadian government and the acceptance that members are subject to being ordered into harm's way in conditions that could lead to the loss of their lives. This calls for the development of outstanding leaders throughout the profession who are able to dominate the battle space.
Canadian military professionals perform a wide range of missions and tasks.
While maintaining national sovereignty and continental security, the CF is also called upon to assist and protect Canadians in times of natural disaster and emergency.
Internationally, the CF supports Canadian foreign policy objectives such as protecting human rights and alleviating human suffering.
Among the CF's particularly difficult and dangerous tasks is intervening in failed states, such as Afghanistan, to promote international stability.
End of narration
Testimonial by Major General A. Leslie OMM, MSC, MSM, CD
Start of testimonial
We are empowered to use lethal force in the accomplishment of our mission. And sometimes, that has to be done which is of course why you need well-trained, well-equipped, well-led, disciplined, fit and mentally and physically tough soldiers, sailors and airmen to go overseas and do these kinds of operations. If you don’t, the mission will fail. The results of the mission failing will be potentially horrendous for Canada, and as importantly, those whom we are charged to protect, the weak and the innocent, will lose their lives.
End of testimonial
Start of narration
The profession of arms is more inclusive than many other professions, as it can only be practiced collectively.
Officers and NCMs work shoulder to shoulder sharing the same risks, burdens and rewards. This relationship is one of the most sacred in the profession. Its very existence powerfully reflects a common professional identity, and produces effective strong leaders.
End of narration
Testimonial by Master Warrant Officer J. Moreau MMM, CD
(Transcript is not available)
Start of narration
The concept of the military profession is reflected in four attributes - responsibility, expertise, identity, and a set of fundamental values and beliefs that constitute the military ethos.
This ethos is the spirit that binds the profession together.
Military members' first and foremost responsibility is to the Canadian government and its citizens by defending the nation and her interests.
Members also have an internal responsibility to maintain the profession at the highest standards of excellence and operational effectiveness.

The complex environment of modern armed conflict demands expertise, gained through continued military training and education, to successfully carry out integrated operations ranging from armed conflict, to peace operations, to humanitarian assistance.
Professional military knowledge is organized around the general system of war and conflict framework-comprising tactics, operational art and strategy.
As guardians of the state, members of the military remain part of Canadian society but at the same time, possess a separate and distinct identity.
End of narration
Testimonial by Lieutenant Commander J. Kurtz CD
(Transcript is not available)
Start of narration
The realities of combat and operations on land, at sea and in the air mean there are necessary differences in the way military culture is expressed in each of these environments.
These identities come together around a hierarchy of loyalties that operate in ascending order from service in one's environment, to the CF and finally to the government of Canada and the rule of law.
The military ethos serves to shape and guide conduct, and define responsibilities. This ethos ensures that force is always applied in accordance with sound professional judgement.
Beliefs and expectations about military service demands that all in uniform accept the contract of unlimited liability.
An honorable warrior spirit and an understanding that Officers and NCMs operate as a team who are both committed to personal and collective discipline are fundamental military beliefs.
These beliefs are indispensable in sustaining members in environments of fear, fatigue, confusion and danger.
The military ethos also requires that the profession of arms remain strongly linked to Canadian society as it incorporates fundamental Canadian values, such as the rule of law, democratic principles and absolute subordination to civil authority.
This is particularly evident when senior military staff consult with politicians and civilian officials during the development of national security policies - a core process of a civil-military relationship in a constitutional democracy.
At the centre of the military ethos are four core military values: duty, loyalty, integrity and courage.
A sense of duty drives everything military professionals do. Duty guides their toughest decisions.
During the UN support mission in Rwanda, Canadian Hercules crews flew into Kigali airport frequently landing and taking off under mortar and small arms fire. Their sense of duty pushed them as they delivered desperately need Humanitarian aid to the Rwandans.
End of narration
Testimonial by Major B. Bearsley MSC, CD
(The transcript is not available)
Start of narration
Military loyalty relates to duty, personal allegiance to Canada, commitment to the rule of law and devotion to comrades. Loyalty supports members through tough times.
During the Swissair rescue operation off the coast of Nova Scotia, sailors of all ranks, insisted on performing their duty-despite opportunities for rest and relief. Their loyalty to comrades demanded that all share equally in theemotionally taxingtask at hand.
Military integrity requires members of Canada's profession of arms to exhibit steadfast commitment to moral principles and obligations.
Each member must be accountable for their actions regardless of physical difficulty, risk, success or popularity.
Each must demonstrate willpower, resolve and the willingness to never quit.
The Canadian military profession of arms places a great value on courage-both physical and moral.
Courage is what the military requires, and respects.
Operating under the constraints of their UN mandate in the former Yugoslavia, Canadian military professionals faced aggressive resistance and virtually unspeakable horrors.
Physical and moral courage sustained Canadian soldiers in the firefight in Croatia's Medak pocket, as they secured the region to prevent further ethnic cleansing.
In Afghanistan, a complex mix of combat and stability operations, in pursuit of a viable democratic society, calls for courage of the highest order on a daily basis.
Professional service in today's Canadian Forces can be summed up in three profound words: Duty with Honour.
In answering the unspoken call to the profession of arms, members of the CF must live up to public expectations of consistent and exemplary behaviour of the highest standard.
They must conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the values and beliefs of their fellow Canadians. By embracing the military ethos they meet these expectations, while they strive for excellence within their specialized expertise and take on the complex challenges of the future.
And their reward is honour.