Education after Service


Feb 19, 2019
The question in this thread "Education after Service"is pretty self-explanatory. What is it like after retiring from the military and then trying to find an education at a college/university/etc...?
Not sure what you are looking for. It's no different before or after except now you have some life experience to help guide you to an area of educational interest. Pick something you want to pursue, apply, use that GI BILL.
You're 16. Why ask about something that's not going to happen for maybe 20 years? How do you know you'll need/want to go to school? You might have gained all the best schooling you need from the military or in your spare time?

I can tell you from experience of college pre-military, post-miltary and then a career change a decade after that, is my life experiences enriched my college experiences.

I'll also tell how it feels to be paying off a Master's degree that I'm not using... Do not assume you'll need a university degree to go places in the civilian world. If I had to make the choice all over again, I would have chosen blue collar work, made more and felt the satisfaction of productivity.

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All of my education has been on the Army’s dime and most of it on the Army’s time. There are plenty of opportunities if you position yourself to take advantage of them.