Emotional Thinking, Enemy of Truth Seeking


Special Forces
Verified SOF
Sep 18, 2010
BLUF- Article about micro aggressions and triggers, arguing that they are the enemy of true thought.

Microaggressions and Trigger-Warnings

I recently had a conversation with my girlfriend's liberal, Washingtonian mother. During the course of said conversation, she told me that, "I needed to be careful of how presented my arguments because I could unintentionally upset people- even by saying things that aren't necessarily offensive."

I told her that I don't play the whole micro aggression game, and that I consider myself too socially evolved to fall prey to such trappings.

MICRO AGGRSSION!!! She immediately assumed that I was saying she was socially devolved, and that was WRONG!
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I am always tactful and polite, but always honest. I also tell people that I cannot "make" them "feel" or "think" a certain way; that is entirely on them. If people get upset at something I say, that ain't my problem.
I'm thinking maybe a giant iceball from outer space slamming into the Earth might be what the world needs to be able to toughen up and function again without all the hyper-sensitive crybaby bullshit.
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I can't remember who said this, but I wholeheartedly agree: "Everyone has the right to be offended, but you don't have the right not to be offended." I think this super liberal, microaggression, trigger warning, Social Justice Warrior bullshit is mostly still confined to college campuses and a small minority of the population. However, they are a loud and obnoxious minority and are so fucking ridiculous in general that it's difficult not to look away.

Case in point...
I can't remember who said this, but I wholeheartedly agree: "Everyone has the right to be offended, but you don't have the right not to be offended." I think this super liberal, microaggression, trigger warning, Social Justice Warrior bullshit is mostly still confined to college campuses and a small minority of the population. However, they are a loud and obnoxious minority and are so fucking ridiculous in general that it's difficult not to look away.

Case in point...
Jesus someone get Jaba a donut or something. I'm a Massachusetts republican/Florida democrat so I consider myself somewhat liberal but holy fucking shit these people are making me wonder how I made it through 4 years of school without an assault charge.
... these people are making me wonder how I made it through 4 years of school without an assault charge.

I don't when you were in school but honestly it just wasn't an issue when I was in college (87-91). Even for a second BS and grad school, it just was not a problem. Sure, there was always a protest going on about something or other, but I never saw the utter, semi-violent, nastiness. It must be a relatively new phenomenon.
One characteristic of immaturity is getting your way and getting it NOW. It's cool that Google shows you between parentheses exactly how long it took them to return results to query. It's also I think unwittingly "training" the lazy to expect similar levels of immediacy from other people and things.
Naturally, it's all empirical based on personal observation.
What I see is that people take more and more shortcuts. Don't know how to get back to your hotel? I could get my smart phone out, but I'd have to boot it up and type, take too long. I'll ask this guy, looks like he works here, he should know.
"S'cuse me, how do I get back to my hotel?
- Which hotel is that..?
- Ummm... The Hyatt.
- Which one?"
By then it's already taking too long and impatience begins to simmer. Examples abound. When we all started carrying cell phones in the 90's, and once the cell phones began offering access to the Internet is really when this all started, and I'll get back to that. Again with the empirical: on the whole, people have less patience, less time and less tolerance for processes. If you posit that a stressful situation is a process, broken down into a series of tasks which have to be accomplished to reach the desired outcome, then more and more people need help"hacking" it all. Much of the gig economy is based on that assumption, I think.
People will pay others to drive them, shop for groceries, flowers for mom, cleaning, moving stuff, hooking up the TV.
Postmates, Uber, Taskrabbit, here we come.
Back to cell phones: problem is they were supposed to make work easier, more efficient. They were supposed to "help". But what happened is they gave more access. If hell is other people, what would you call cell phones allowing them access to you at will?
On the whole, people are losing coping skills, they are becoming more emotional, more readily. And I suspect more and more needy and willing to follow shamans and false prophets.

More and more people wanna be but they don't wanna do. They hate it, hate themselves for it and hate you for telling them.
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One characteristic of immaturity is getting your way and getting it NOW...
What I see is that people take more and more shortcuts...More and more people wanna be but they don't wanna do. They hate it, hate themselves for it and hate you for telling them.

This. Sometimes it is just putting the hours in, continually learning and trying to become better coupled with luck. The luck might be an opening of opportunity earlier than expected. The hard work and hours put in create the ability to make the most of the opportunity.

We could look at how many people join this site asking those who have BTDT for the key to the golden shitter without doing any research on their own. Then after a straightening out politely, the responses go down the same drain of commentary starting with "yo broskis i jus asked a simple question no need to be a big ego filled prick. im on ma phone so gramer and spelling is tuff. my situation is different then anyone else and the most important since there is only 1 of me in the world. amazing how so many smart guyz with all the answers cant see that. no need to be an ashole but whatever screw it"
Well, maturity is certainly one part of it. But basic fucking respect and manners is another. Let other people speak, say their piece, formulate a cogent, articulate, and logical thought, deliver it without being disrespectful, arrogant, or rude. That is called 'civil discourse,' and that is what these microagression/SJW/campus crusaders utterly lack.
Well it happened. Shopping at Costco. Wife made a beeline to look at socks or some such shit after picking up salad.
Took a little over five minutes.
She came back and my head was throbbing.
BLUF- Article about micro aggressions and triggers, arguing that they are the enemy of true thought.

Microaggressions and Trigger-Warnings

I recently had a conversation with my girlfriend's liberal, Washingtonian mother. During the course of said conversation, she told me that, "I needed to be careful of how presented my arguments because I could unintentionally upset people- even by saying things that aren't necessarily offensive."

I told her that I don't play the whole micro aggression game, and that I consider myself too socially evolved to fall prey to such trappings.

MICRO AGGRSSION!!! She immediately assumed that I was saying she was socially devolved, and that was WRONG!

Dumbass! You were wrong! Future Mom-in-law is always right...always.