Ex-SEAL Had 200+ Explosives in Home

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Nice collection! lol

Ex-SEAL Had 200+ Explosives in Home

January 3, 2008 - 7:23am
SUFFOLK, Va. (AP) - A 34-year-old former Navy SEAL may face additional charges after police seized more than 200 different types of military-grade explosives from his Suffolk home. Investigators say Elbert Tillman Jr. had enough illegal explosives to do damage as far as a 1/3 mile radius from his home.

Authorities seized Claymore anti-personnel mines, detonators, C-4 plastic explosives and tracer ammunition. They also seized 18 rifles, numerous handguns, two computers and 28 metal military boxes of assorted ammunition.

He is charged with four felony counts of manufacturing and possessing explosive devices.

Authorities are now awaiting input from federal authorities before lodging additional charges. Investigations are also ongoing to determine whether any of the items were stolen government property.
Information from: Daily Press
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

I think it's funny that they're investigating whether it was stolen property or not.
Call me stupid, but what does his "Rifles and handguns" have to do with these charges ??

Last time I checked It was not illegal too own firearms. Why the need to conviscate them ? Standard op procedure ? or is a firearm in the same home as explosives considered a crime ? :uhh:

This alway's get my blood boiling.

If the police investigate me for something, anything, and they make an arrest at my house with or without a warrant, it's a sure bet that the firearms will be policed up and taken with me to the detention center. I just don't see the need to strip ones right to keep and bear arms when the crime is not related.

And, as far as I know, "Tracer ammunition" is not illegal, at least not here in Kentucky. In fact, I'm looking at some in a Cheaper Than Dirt Catologue right now. Again, what does the ammunition have to do with anything ? Is it a crime in Va to have few military ammunition canisters with your ammo stored in them ??? Fucking amazing.

Just my .02
Maybe their looking to see if his former employees are deficient any ordanance?

Another thing., how did they know about him/what he had.,? tip off? Were they watching him for some thing?
He is also up on a domestic violence charge against his girlfriend, she left him and very shortly after there was an anonymous tip off to the feds...
He is also up on a domestic violence charge against his girlfriend, she left him and very shortly after there was an anonymous tip off to the feds...

Geeeeeee, simply amazing.:rolleyes:

She wasn't concerned about his "explosives" while dating, but when the shit hits the fan, she's suddenly willing and ready to aid the local authorities in an investigation. :rolleyes:

Guys, if your single, keep your firearms out of sight.
He should have cleared his shit out the second she left him.

What I was attempting to say, sarcastically, was that this woman, if she did tip off the local authorities, should be charged for consipring to hide illegal explosives from the authorities herself. After all, she supposedly knew of the illegal explosives, guns and pistols and ammunition while they had been "sweeties" :rolleyes:

Point being, that when a relationship ends bitter, it's alway's the woman that finds the slightest thing about your charachter to report to the courts. Maybe not alway's, but a great majority of the time.

I date, yes I'm straight, but I have yet to show off my guns to any woman that resides in residence for more than a few hours. :doh: At the moment I have one woman in my life and she still to this day, after 2 years, has not laid eyes on my firearms or ammunition storage.
Having that kind of "stuff" in your possession would seem to indicate that he might actually be a SEAL, but has it actually been confirmed that he served in that capacity?

I think of all the times I've heard of a former (take your pick: SEAL, Green Beret, Ranger, etc.) being accused of some crime, only to find out he wasn't quite what the papers proclaimed him to be.
Point being, that when a relationship ends bitter, it's alway's the woman that finds the slightest thing about your charachter to report to the courts. Maybe not alway's, but a great majority of the time.

Yeah, guys are never bitter. :rolleyes: :evil:
Having that kind of "stuff" in your possession would seem to indicate that he might actually be a SEAL, but has it actually been confirmed that he served in that capacity?

I think of all the times I've heard of a former (take your pick: SEAL, Green Beret, Ranger, etc.) being accused of some crime, only to find out he wasn't quite what the papers proclaimed him to be.

Naval investigators were called in so I'm sure that will come out soon enough.
Haha! This story sounds so familiar. Had a 2/75 guy get busted with a shitload of demo. Wife ratted him out after a fight and the ATF paid him a visit. Last I heard he had a court appearance and had not seen him around since :uhh:; Making small rocks out of big rocks I guess.
This might be a silly question, but why steal demo in the first place? It seems as though no good ever comes from it.
Here's my quandry: wth does his being an ex-SEAL have to do with anything? Or is that just the media's way of getting attention? :rolleyes:
Here's my quandry: wth does his being an ex-SEAL have to do with anything? Or is that just the media's way of getting attention? :rolleyes:

Well, it sort of justifies why he has all that stuff lol.
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