Failed rescue by 1st SOF Regiment


running up that hill
Jan 3, 2007
in Wonderland, with my Alice
A media frenzy has started due to the failed rescue atempt of two Afghani Policemen.
Unconfirmed sources claim that the 1st. Special Forces Regiment was tasked with the mission. Problem was that the Taliban were tiped of about the rescue atempt and executed the two ANPs.
More over, the rescue team landed in the wrong village - not the one whrere the two ANPs were held at.
Questions are being raised why the Regiment was tasked with the mission, since GROM (Polands military hostage rescue unit) is speciallised in just such operations?

In Polish military circles, The Regiment is often compared to the US Army Special Forces Groups, where GROM is calimed to be Polands version of American SMUs.

Reality is, that the allthough GROM is speciallised in such missions, the Regiment is also capable of hostage rescue.

Hounds have cought up with the scent, hope the Regiments reputation will not be another victim.

I'm sure the guys did their best....some times it's just not enough...
Or the pilots....

But why lay blame? Investigate, learn, make changes if needed. The Op wasn't a success, but even if they ended up in the right village, would they have gotten to the 2 ANP's in time? It doesn't sound like it to me. This is just one of those unfortunate situations that we have to hope doesn't happen again.
Reality is, that the allthough GROM is speciallised in such missions, the Regiment is also capable of hostage rescue.

It looks like ISAF SOF and also POLSOFCOM don't agree with this. TF50(1 st Reg.) can not conduct hostage rescue missions, only TF49(GROM) can do it. Only in case when TF49 can not do it(for some reason) they can be replaced by TF50.

As for this whole thing, it has been described as a rat race. TF49 guys planned this operation as a cordon and search mission, becasue they knew that ISAF SOF would not approve hostage rescue mission. At least, this is what GROM guy in this TV program claims. POLSOFCOM claims that the action took place in different area, and it has been aprroved by ISAF SOF commander(brigadier Lance Mans). What more, those two poor guys have been killed one day earlier, but our troops didn't know it. So, journalists say one thing, POLSOFCOM say something different. Ohh well.

if they went to the wrong village: blame it on the intel guys (since it is their fault).

It's only intel's fault if they landed in the village the intel people told them to. Intel guys can't help it if they said "go here," and the ops folks "go there" instead.
It's only intel's fault if they landed in the village the intel people told them to. Intel guys can't help it if they said "go here," and the ops folks "go there" instead.

Hi, according to POLSOFCOM only 30% informations from human sources are truthsworthy. They decided to "go" because human life was in danger.
Doesn't sound like the intel is the issue so much as OPSEC, nor does it seem they could've done much to help the poor guys even if they hit the right village.