I'm sure I've pimped this place before, but regardless....if you are in the Orlando/ Tampa area and like aircraft or history you need to go to Fantasy of Flight in Polk County (about 30 minutes from Mickey Land down I-4). I think my admission was about $29, but you can take part in any of their tours with that. I managed to squeak in the tram/ backlot, woodshop, and restoration tours in just over 4 hours. They've also started a daily warbird aerial demonstration and I was fortunate enough that Friday they flew the last TP-40N on the planet, the trainer version of the P-40's flown by the Flying Tigers with the AVG. FoF is the largest private collection of warbirds in the world with some 160 aircraft (though many are being restored or stored for future restoration like a B-29 and Avro Lancaster).
And almost all of his a/c are in flying condition.
The price is a little steep, but if you time your visits with their living history symposiums you can easily fill a day there. My 4+ hours went by rather quickly.
And almost all of his a/c are in flying condition.
The price is a little steep, but if you time your visits with their living history symposiums you can easily fill a day there. My 4+ hours went by rather quickly.