Final Salute - by Todd Heisler (update in OP)


Sep 12, 2012
This is a gallery of a Pulitzer Prize winning story that centers around one single photo and the powerful Marine actions that led that unforgettable image. These pictures were taken by photographer Todd Heisler. He captured the following images of fallen U.S. Marine 2nd Lt. James Cathey and his wife Katherine.

Amazing to me the power that a single photo can have -it is a tough story to follow, but if a photographer can tell a story with compassion, Mr. Heisler was able to do so.

- Update -
This link is from the Marine Corps Times story on the Lt. Cathey and his wife Katherine. It gives a deeper look into their lives and brings even more impact to the photos.

Marine Corps News Room: Final Salute

This photo won Mr. Heisler the Pulitzer Prize

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Pictures are extremely powerful. One of the reasons I say that is due to the fact that I remembered the first time that I saw the picture posted in the OP. In fact, I have referenced it recently, along with some others that were just as powerful.

They certainly speak volumes and make lasting impressions in one's memory.

Rest In Peace, Lt. Cathey!

Job well done, Mr. Heisler! You did a great job of honoring a fallen Warrior!