Frank Proctor 2-Day Performance MIL/LE Pistol & Carbine Class - Nov 5-6, 2014 - Fort Worth, TX

Way of the Gun

Frank Proctor has served over 18 years in the military, the last 11 of those in US Army Special Forces. During his multiple combat tours in Afghanistan & Iraq he had the privilege to serve with and learn from many seasoned veteran Special Forces Operators so their combined years of knowledge and experience has helped him to become a better operator & instructor. While serving as an instructor at the Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course he was drawn to competitive shooting. He has since earned the USPSA Grand Master ranking in the Limited Division and Master ranking in the IDPA Stock Service Pistol division. He learned a great deal from shooting in competition and this has helped him to become to become a better tactical shooter. Frank is one of the few individuals able to bring the experiences of U.S. Army Special Forces, Competitive Shooting, and veteran Instructor to every class.
All this experience combines to make Frank Proctor a well-rounded shooter and instructor capable of helping you to achieve your goal of becoming a better shooter.
Alias Training & Security Services
Frank Proctor 2-Day Performance MIL/LE Pistol & Carbine Class - Nov 5-6, 2014 - Fort Worth, TX
This will be an intensive two day course that will give the shooter plenty of tools to reach their performance shooting goals with their Carbine and pistol. In this course we will cover all of the material in my one day carbine and one day pistol courses, plus more. I will also cover concealed carry techniques and low light shooting with carbine and pistol.
You must have extremely safe gun handling skills and a working knowledge of marksmanship to attend this course.
Way of the Carbine:
This is a Performance Shooting course. I define Performance Shooting as: Applying the correct ratio of speed and accuracy to dynamic shooting situations with a goal of scoring maximum points in minimum time.
This course is designed to give you, the shooter, all of the tools necessary to effectively run your carbine in any shooting situation at any effective carbine distance. The first day will focus on the full spectrum of running the carbine at distances of 25 yards and in including various movement techniques and shooting while moving. This will be accomplished by training what I call the Performance Shooting Process. During the Process we will cover and grasp the 4 components of Performance Shooting; Processing, Control, Mechanics and Movement. The second day will refine some of those technique/skill sets and move into utilizing the carbine at greater distances (as far as the range allows) In my opinion shooters have lost touch with the fact that the AR-15 is a RIFLE and is very capable platform. My goal in this course is to bring it back! During the long-range portion we will explore the capabilities and limitations of your carbine, optics (or irons) and ammo. We will also cover techniques for working in and around vehicles and other “natural” terrain, including rapid stability techniques.
Way of the Gun Performance Pistol Process
The Performance Pistol Process course designed to give the shooter a more complete understanding of what is necessary for performance shooting with the pistol.
I define Performance shooting as applying the correct ratio of speed and accuracy to dynamic shooting situations with a goal of scoring maximum points in minimum time. For an example of performance shooting, I would say get on you tube and take a look at a world champion shooter competing in a USPSA field course or 3 gun course stage.
As I see it there are only 4 things going on there allowing that shooter to win.
I call these the 4 Components of Performance Shooting:
In the Performance Pistol Process we will explore all 4 components in detail and you as the shooter will walk away with new understanding of what it takes to be a performance pistol shooter. This 2 day course will provide you with enough repetition to completely grasp the concepts and develop new skills that will change your pistol shooting.
Instructor: Frank Proctor
Class dates: Nov 5-6, 2014
Cost: $525
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Range facilities:
Tarrant County College Northwest Campus
4801 Marine Creek Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76179
**Due to range restrictions this is a Law Enforcement, Military, Government Agency, or Industry Professionals Restricted Class**
2-Day Pistol & Carbine Class Requirements:
- Hearing and Eye protection (wrap around eye protection recommended)
- Pistol suitable for Performance Shooting (Glock 19 or larger)
- Carbine with 50 yard zero. Time will be allowed to confirm zero.
- Sling – must allow you to operate with the carbine. Sling must keep the muzzle in a safe direction (straight up or straightdown) when in a stored position
- Holster, open top or retention doesn’t matter. (The holster should be suitable for competition or combat carry)
- Suitable Belt
- Minimum two pistol & carbine magazine pouches
- Weapons lubrication, cleaning, maint supplies as needed.
Ammo Requirements:
Carbine: 600
Handgun: 600
To sign-up for this class please use this link;
If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me;

Way of the Gun

Frank Proctor has served over 18 years in the military, the last 11 of those in US Army Special Forces. During his multiple combat tours in Afghanistan & Iraq he had the privilege to serve with and learn from many seasoned veteran Special Forces Operators so their combined years of knowledge and experience has helped him to become a better operator & instructor. While serving as an instructor at the Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course he was drawn to competitive shooting. He has since earned the USPSA Grand Master ranking in the Limited Division and Master ranking in the IDPA Stock Service Pistol division. He learned a great deal from shooting in competition and this has helped him to become to become a better tactical shooter. Frank is one of the few individuals able to bring the experiences of U.S. Army Special Forces, Competitive Shooting, and veteran Instructor to every class.
All this experience combines to make Frank Proctor a well-rounded shooter and instructor capable of helping you to achieve your goal of becoming a better shooter.

Alias Training & Security Services
Frank Proctor 2-Day Performance MIL/LE Pistol & Carbine Class - Nov 5-6, 2014 - Fort Worth, TX
This will be an intensive two day course that will give the shooter plenty of tools to reach their performance shooting goals with their Carbine and pistol. In this course we will cover all of the material in my one day carbine and one day pistol courses, plus more. I will also cover concealed carry techniques and low light shooting with carbine and pistol.
You must have extremely safe gun handling skills and a working knowledge of marksmanship to attend this course.
Way of the Carbine:
This is a Performance Shooting course. I define Performance Shooting as: Applying the correct ratio of speed and accuracy to dynamic shooting situations with a goal of scoring maximum points in minimum time.
This course is designed to give you, the shooter, all of the tools necessary to effectively run your carbine in any shooting situation at any effective carbine distance. The first day will focus on the full spectrum of running the carbine at distances of 25 yards and in including various movement techniques and shooting while moving. This will be accomplished by training what I call the Performance Shooting Process. During the Process we will cover and grasp the 4 components of Performance Shooting; Processing, Control, Mechanics and Movement. The second day will refine some of those technique/skill sets and move into utilizing the carbine at greater distances (as far as the range allows) In my opinion shooters have lost touch with the fact that the AR-15 is a RIFLE and is very capable platform. My goal in this course is to bring it back! During the long-range portion we will explore the capabilities and limitations of your carbine, optics (or irons) and ammo. We will also cover techniques for working in and around vehicles and other “natural” terrain, including rapid stability techniques.
Way of the Gun Performance Pistol Process
The Performance Pistol Process course designed to give the shooter a more complete understanding of what is necessary for performance shooting with the pistol.
I define Performance shooting as applying the correct ratio of speed and accuracy to dynamic shooting situations with a goal of scoring maximum points in minimum time. For an example of performance shooting, I would say get on you tube and take a look at a world champion shooter competing in a USPSA field course or 3 gun course stage.
As I see it there are only 4 things going on there allowing that shooter to win.
I call these the 4 Components of Performance Shooting:
In the Performance Pistol Process we will explore all 4 components in detail and you as the shooter will walk away with new understanding of what it takes to be a performance pistol shooter. This 2 day course will provide you with enough repetition to completely grasp the concepts and develop new skills that will change your pistol shooting.
Instructor: Frank Proctor
Class dates: Nov 5-6, 2014
Cost: $525
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Range facilities:
Tarrant County College Northwest Campus
4801 Marine Creek Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76179
**Due to range restrictions this is a Law Enforcement, Military, Government Agency, or Industry Professionals Restricted Class**
2-Day Pistol & Carbine Class Requirements:
- Hearing and Eye protection (wrap around eye protection recommended)
- Pistol suitable for Performance Shooting (Glock 19 or larger)
- Carbine with 50 yard zero. Time will be allowed to confirm zero.
- Sling – must allow you to operate with the carbine. Sling must keep the muzzle in a safe direction (straight up or straightdown) when in a stored position
- Holster, open top or retention doesn’t matter. (The holster should be suitable for competition or combat carry)
- Suitable Belt
- Minimum two pistol & carbine magazine pouches
- Weapons lubrication, cleaning, maint supplies as needed.
Ammo Requirements:
Carbine: 600
Handgun: 600
To sign-up for this class please use this link;
If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me;