Get Your (Fake) Degree Here! Cheap!


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Couldn't help but think of a former member and his fancy Ivy League degree that turned out to be a little less than he represented it...

Anyway, TL;DR version of the story: dude in Canada buys his undergrad and law school degrees, takes on clients, even represents one in court, bilks people out of thousands and ultimately get busted.

He dressed like a lawyer, talked like a lawyer and worked as a lawyer, but in reality, 34-year-old Inayat Kassam was a smooth-talking fraudster with a law degree that wasn't worth the paper it was printed on.

The Aurora, Ont., man purchased his phoney law degree online five years ago from the University of Renfrew. The school has no officially recognized accreditation and its website features a fake address in Tampa, Fla., and stock images of supposed faculty members.

"There's clear evidence that more than half of the people in any given year who claim a new PhD actually bought a fake one," he says.

Further indication of how important it is to get your education from recognized, accredited programs and how having a piece of paper that says you're educated isn't the end-all, be-all on whether someone's useful in a particular field or even necessarily intelligent.
I got my doctorate in sacred theology from the Universidad de la Putamadre Collegio de La Cagada in Maracaibo,Venezuela.
I hate Southern pastoral counselors as a result of knowing that the only Christian who ever lived died on the cross, the poor bastard...

But you know... Oh well.
This is Sean:

This is a bad word:
connerie translation English | French dictionary | Reverso

Sean and the word only sound the same.
Ummm, I for one am outraged that the refer to Manning as a 'fellow'. I think it has been well established that Chelsea Manning is no fellow! :ROFLMAO: :-"


On a serious note, I haven't seen anything in Manning's bio to indicate even an undergraduate degree. I guess anyone can teach at Harvard regardless of their lack of formal education.

On a serious note, I haven't seen anything in Manning's bio to indicate even an undergraduate degree. I guess anyone can teach at Harvard regardless of their lack of formal education.

you know....I could care less for his change of sexes or whatever the proper political correct term is.....he is still a traitor to this country.
This dude's all mad that his fake degree cost him over $8k...:rolleyes:

When the Toronto business management consultant found one offering a master's degree requiring no studying, exams, or academic work — for just $8,100 — Sniedzins thought it was a school sharing his unconventional approach to education.

"I don't necessarily like to pay $30,000 to get a master's when I feel I already have the knowledge," Sniedzins said in an interview with CBC Toronto.