Getting the US Embassy hostages out of Tehran?


Special Forces
Rest In Peace
Jul 16, 2008
Seattle, Puget Sound — PNW
How do you solve a problem like...

....getting the US Embassy hostages out of Tehran? Some of you may remember CREDIBLE SPORT, the secret project to adapt two C-130s with rocket packs to permit them to operate into/out of a soccer stadium (which is where the ill-fated Sea Stallions were going to rendezvous with them after exfil-ing the hostages, before destroying the helos and everyone piled onboard the Herks).

One of the C-130s crashed in testing, and that event (at the end of this one here) is widely known. What I’ve not seen before is the footage previous to this when the additional kit DID work, especially the take off. Now that’s one way to use the altimeter as a fan!

Everything that can be done to a Herky has been done to a Herky, but I swear they'll figure out a way sooner or later to turn a Herky-bird into a submarine. They've had 'em fly off aircraft carriers with JATO...and land on carriers with a hook...I love that standing on a tarmac with 12 of those sonsofbitches running their engines up and just feeling the propwash and the's a beautiful thing. But Lord, makes me sad to see a Herky-bird burn. They are just to damn big to do VTOL or ESTOL no matter how many rockets you strap on to them. Whoever thought this idea up was not quite right in the head.
I agree with you pardus! This was a pretty dicey mission anyway!

Given that anything involving aircraft and aircraft carriers is dicey, it was a logical problem.

I find it hard to believe that, with technology such as it is, we not doing this regularly now. The carriers now are bigger than USS Forrestal and better equipped, as are the 130s.
I disagree, this kind of thinking is what gave us the edge during WWII, Look at some of the crazy shit the SOE came up with for example.

Well, that's true, now that you mention it...B25's off the Hornet for the Tokyo raid was pretty ballsy & crazy. Okay, I've changed my mind! :D
Actually, the carrier landings required no special mods.

Otherwise...concur all.

You are right, LongTab. Damn, I suck bad!
