Good article on polarity and contempt in politics

Interesting article and like you said worth the read.

I wonder if the cause of the contempt stems from the focus/imbalance of "uniqueness', "specialness", and customization/convenience obfuscating the overarching "Team" that is the the U.S. (In my case); essentially turning your neighbor or anyone that doesn't share one's deeply internalized and over-personalized beliefs into "The Other".

Also the ability to customize your reality and turn any information feed into an echo chamber can't help either, I would think.
Fundamental Attribution Error? (called motive attribution asymmetry in the article) ✓
Erisology? (called the need to disagree better in the article) ✓
Principle of Charity (call in the article to not treat ideological opponents with contempt) ✓

Pretty decent though basic analysis of contemporary political discourse, with one glaring hole: no mention/realization of the underlying Culture Wars 2.0 other than Red/Blue tribes.

For more and more in-depth reading on this, here's a plug again for this article: The Memetic Tribes of Culture War 2.0 and another for my earlier thread: Rationality & Erisology (which I need to update/flesh out at some point...)