$80M from the AF alone.
$80M from the AF alone.
According to this article it's even more: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/newsom-orders-state-employees-return-to-office-20202884.phpGov. Newsom just directed 100k state employees to return to the office by July. Monkey see, monkey do.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered more than 224,000 state workers to return to the office four days a week starting July 1.
Just civilians. Military card holders are still active. Because you know, they spend from two different pots and support two different missions.Gov't Purchase Cards are now frozen. At least we've been told what one or two specific things we can't do but then used vague definitions for words resulting in numerous questions which have gone unanswered. We also don't need those to ship anything via Fed Ex like...oh, wait.
Could we just get some solid guidance for once? That's all we really want is guidance or at least reach out beforehand and ask "What are the impacts if we do x by y date?"
Just civilians. Military card holders are still active. Because you know, they spend from two different pots and support two different missions.
Now there is a pause to giving any new warrants out to Contracting Officers. Military personnel are exempt from this.
I just want someone to have it make sense. I have been deployed as a GS doing contingency contracting. The person I relieved was military and the person who relieved me was military. So what’s the difference? Am I planning to recommend anyone a warrant in the next few weeks? Most likely no, but it’s the lack of foresight on these decision making processes that are mind boggling.
I’d rather have a civilian GS making purchases than a military member given the sheer number of years experience and expertise between the two but nobody cares what I think and nobody has the balls to say otherwise to Supreme Leader.
They should've yanked a couple handfuls of 1102s and assign them to DOGE. Nobody's going to understand the gov't spending process better. But that probably would have required serious paperwork, time and funding.
I'm all for slashing the waste, and we all know there's plenty of abuse...
This, I think they know their window is very narrow and can always go back and fix any oopses.Do it right now, otherwise it won't happen.
bUt ThIs WiLL sTawP thE WaStE....Welp, I had to spend my day searching for contracts to make sure we didn’t specify anything with paper straws.
We’re also currently going through a handful of our service contracts to make sure there is no consulting in them. The determination and approval that those are either essential or non-essential must be a flag or SES.
It’s great to know we have solved all our national security problems since our SEC DEF is more concerned about paper straws than rockets and bombs.
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