My name is David I am currently in my junior year attending East Carolina University, located in North Carolina. My interest in serving in the military derives from my father’s service in the Navy. He was a chaplain who dedicated 15 years of service to god, country, and family. I would eventually like to attain that same stature that he and all of you hold to this day. I have a background in marital arts and am now currently on the East Carolina University boxing team (If interested in background check, they are available on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/?sk=welcome#!/groups/108774392482994/). My program of study is a B.S. Criminal Justice with a minor in security studies. The reason for my interest in the site is to attain as much mentoring as possible, and hopefully get some guidance along the way. I have the utmost respect for all that have served and are serving. I will be more than willing to answer any questions.
Most Respectfully,
My name is David I am currently in my junior year attending East Carolina University, located in North Carolina. My interest in serving in the military derives from my father’s service in the Navy. He was a chaplain who dedicated 15 years of service to god, country, and family. I would eventually like to attain that same stature that he and all of you hold to this day. I have a background in marital arts and am now currently on the East Carolina University boxing team (If interested in background check, they are available on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/?sk=welcome#!/groups/108774392482994/). My program of study is a B.S. Criminal Justice with a minor in security studies. The reason for my interest in the site is to attain as much mentoring as possible, and hopefully get some guidance along the way. I have the utmost respect for all that have served and are serving. I will be more than willing to answer any questions.
Most Respectfully,