Havana Syndrome

I used this term, looking it up, nothing popped, hence the thread. I recall reading about it last year.
Samesies! The search function might not be working all too well. Noticed it only goes back two years in some threads.
I saw a couple docs about this, and read maybe 5 articles. There's a sizable portion of people on both sides of the issue, some saying it's bogus.

They claim recordings show it was some fucking cricket noise. Other's came out and said it happened to them and their families, even going so far as to make trips to the doctor because of it.

Havana syndrome that is...not this fraudulent "election".
I listened to a really interesting podcast about this a few months ago. In this case, I totally buy the conspiracy of government cover-up to avoid admitting any Russian involvement, primarily to prevent escalation with them.

I don’t know why this topic interested me so much, but I did quite a bit of reading and listening about it, no one will ever convince me that these military and government workers were not specifically targeted by a foreign entity.
I listened to a really interesting podcast about this a few months ago. In this case, I totally buy the conspiracy of government cover-up to avoid admitting any Russian involvement, primarily to prevent escalation with them.

I don’t know why this topic interested me so much, but I did quite a bit of reading and listening about it, no one will ever convince me that these military and government workers were not specifically targeted by a foreign entity.
I'm open to being convinced, but I'm not there yet. This is another condition that is super-hard to prove that someone doesn't have, and potentially ends up turning into a disability gravy train.
I'm open to being convinced, but I'm not there yet. This is another condition that is super-hard to prove that someone doesn't have, and potentially ends up turning into a disability gravy train.

From what I'm reading, medical issues like vestibular/inner ear, vague neuro issues that have affected only those in that region. Don't know what to make of that.