Hell or High Water

The same screenwriter wrote Sicario and Hell or High Water as I believe was already mentioned (the guy who played one of the sheriffs in Sons of Anarchy). What I thought was also cool is the guy that directed Sicario (and Arrival - which I've heard great things about) directed the new Blade Runner movie coming out next year. Makes me feel like Blade Runner is in good hands.
I saw the Blade Runner 2049 trailer. Looks good. Ridley Scott is executive producer so he'll have his hand in the pie.

In Hell and High Water Jeff Bridges is drinking Shinerbock...I've lost count of the Shiners I've killed on my hunting trips to Texas. ;-)
Just watched this last night due to this thread, thanks. Great movie.

Loved the music in this one just like in Sicario, made for some great scenes.
The films that I've seen that Ridley Scott has a hand in are some of my favorites. His " Kingdom of Heaven" had stars showing up for parts that in the end had to be cut to keep the film to a reasonable length of time. I'm still looking for a director's cut DVD of that film.

I really liked that movie. Not perfect by any means but some great stuff. I especially enjoyed the director's cut - added some key plot missing from the theatrical release.
The films that I've seen that Ridley Scott has a hand in are some of my favorites. His " Kingdom of Heaven" had stars showing up for parts that in the end had to be cut to keep the film to a reasonable length of time. I'm still looking for a director's cut DVD of that film.

Scott and Scorsese rank pretty high on my favorite directors list. Scott especially for taking on Blackhawk Down...a film some American directors would've avoided for fear of appearing too pro-military. And his Prometheus was fucking brilliant despite the asshole critics who didn't like it. And Scorsese--of course--for Goodfellas and Wolf of Wall Street.
I would've gladly helped Charlize in her difficulties by volunteering to give her a chest massage and showing her that she needs a real man instead of Sean Penn. ;-)
Scott and Scorsese rank pretty high on my favorite directors list. Scott especially for taking on Blackhawk Down...a film some American directors would've avoided for fear of appearing too pro-military. And his Prometheus was fucking brilliant despite the asshole critics who didn't like it. And Scorsese--of course--for Goodfellas and Wolf of Wall Street.

Prometheus, say it isn't so. I was so disappointed in that movie. Great cinematography but the plot had me ready to scream at the theater. I was so excited after seeing that trailer and then they lost me somewhere around dude with navigation drones getting lost in the complex.