Hello community


Verified Military
Dec 9, 2014
Hi SS community,

I'm a 22 y/o National Guard mechanic, looking for a spot in active duty intelligence. Through my research, I found these forums, and ended up lurking about in the Intelligence section. The depth of experience made it a no-brainer to sign up. :p

About me, I've been to some college, and missed a deployment due to my MOS. I'm a pretty private guy; I have a lot going on in my life so I try to keep everything separate . . . BUT I do love to talk warfare (particularly the tactics & strategy) and so that's why I'm here. :)

Any questions feel free to PM!
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Welcome. What branch are you in, where are you stationed? What are you doing to prepare to lat-move to Intel?

ARNG, stationed out of Millington, TN. I realize I was pretty vague; I'll change up my post and profile to be more specific.

At the time you asked, I'd been researching all the different MOSes for intel that would suit me. 35F struck a chord with me in every way. However, the Army is only taking 18X and 35P for transfer into active duty. I understand the Army is seriously cutting fat, and 35F has historically been unavailable for accessions. 35P it is. I studied hard and took the DLAB this week, nailed a 138. My recruiter will have the release form for me Monday. Getting released and enlisting into active duty is my 25m target. I'm also beefing up my PT schedule -- working 60+ hours a week hasn't been good to my fitness (though I'm still decently built).

As for MOS preparation, I would most likely be at Monterey for over a year before I get to Goodfellow. DLI is a beast of its own; To prepare for that I'm further reading the grammar book I bought. The Army will give me whatever language it needs and I'll have to nail it.

And also reading intel/support stories and SOT-A/SOF expectations has given me an idea of how helpful intel support can be. I wanna be a great tool for the trigger guys to have.