

Jan 3, 2017
Hello, my name is Ian. Thank you for having me. I have recently begun the 26 week USAF SO prep program I received from a PJ in order to ace the PJ PAST and enter indoc/the pipeline as prepared as possible. I have always played sports growing up and stayed active through college that I attended in Australia. Having an interest in medicine, being a part of the best of the best, pushing myself mentally and physically farther than most realise possible and making a difference, attached with my skydiving license and interest, a desire to help people and serve, I have realised that being a PJ is the perfect opportunity for me to pursue. I look forward to learning from all of you and thank you for providing this resource and all the information on here. I hope to, in the words of the PJ who helped me realise this is for me, "do good, not suck, and have balls." I hope to be able to serve with some of you down the road and thanks again for having me.
Greetings. Best of success to you in your future goals and objectives!