Here Kitty Kitty!


Verified Estrogen Brigade
Aug 25, 2006
No not as in Racing but as in BOBCAT! On the Gateway Clipper! Yikes!
I've been on these boats many times for parties and going to the baseball and football games. I've encountered many drunk yinzers for sure, but never a bobcat. :-o

Bobcat captured trying to catch a ride on Gateway Clipper

It was a busy Sunday morning for people at the Gateway Clipper. A bobcat was found just prior to people boarding The Empress on the third deck. It was discovered during a routine boat inspection.
Representatives from the Gateway Clipper called 9-1-1 and Pittsburgh animal control officers were dispatched to capture the bobcat. For safety reasons all the passengers of the cruise ship were asked to board the boat and stay indoors.
The officers used a catch pole to contain the bobcat, then got it into a cage. The bobcat was then taken to Humane Animal Rescue's Wildlife Center in Verona, where it was evaluated by the center's director. Wildlife officials say the bobcat is in excellent health, weighs 18-pounds, but is scared of people.
"They're pretty solitary animals," said Wildlife Center Director, Jill Argall. "They have a pretty large territory so having one in the woods is not unheard of so that's probably how he got confused and wandered onto the boat."
Argall said bobcat sightings are very rare.
"I've been here for 18 years and I've only seen one," she said.
Conservation Officers picked up the bobcat on Monday and will release it in game lands in Armstrong County.