Depending upon the polls (HAHAHAHAHA!) we have 5 to 10% of our population who identify as LGBT (I refuse to do additional letters).
Some of you might remember Black Sails which teased a gay character, but then kind of dropped it on us. Even my gay friendly house was "WTF" but your mileage may vary. My take is every show doesn't need someone gay, but the virtue signaling and attempt to "belong" means every show has to include a gay character. These guys nailed it:
Shout out to wrestling fans who recognize the "RKO out of nowhere" but that's why people hate the concept. Build to it, establish it from the beginning, but don't use it as a twist!
"We need to grab the audience. What do we do?"
"Have two dudes kiss?"
Fuck off. That's cheap storytelling and if you want to be exploits gay people. Build a proper character(s) and story, and no one will give two shits about gay characters. Shoehorn them in to make a statement? GFY.
Some of you might remember Black Sails which teased a gay character, but then kind of dropped it on us. Even my gay friendly house was "WTF" but your mileage may vary. My take is every show doesn't need someone gay, but the virtue signaling and attempt to "belong" means every show has to include a gay character. These guys nailed it:
Shout out to wrestling fans who recognize the "RKO out of nowhere" but that's why people hate the concept. Build to it, establish it from the beginning, but don't use it as a twist!
"We need to grab the audience. What do we do?"
"Have two dudes kiss?"
Fuck off. That's cheap storytelling and if you want to be exploits gay people. Build a proper character(s) and story, and no one will give two shits about gay characters. Shoehorn them in to make a statement? GFY.