Hey all.


Verified Military
Feb 3, 2015
Hey there everyone,
My name is Chris. I am a Cavalry scout as my username implies. I have been in the army since Nov2010. I am an NCO. I am always looking to improve myself as a soldier and this seems to be a site with a wealth of knowledge. I have deployed to Iraq and to Djibouti, Africa. I have been in every position and role you can think of and done every kind of mission besides a few missions that the SOC executes. I have aspirations to one day go to selection but its not in the plans for right now because of my families plan. I am heading to USASS this year and hope to learn a few things here as well as teach some permitting the material can be released.

Hope this was a good intro. Sorry i am pretty modest, silent and professional. Trying to keep PERSEC.
