Hilarious videos portraying life in the Marine Corps


Fox Raiders
Jul 2, 2007
San Diego, CA
Check these videos out. My friend just sent them to me this morning. He disabled the embed on the first three. so when the screen pops up that says this page can not be found, put your cursor infront of the you on youtube.com and delete %20 and press enter. Its some work but the vids are worth it

Uncle Rico
YouTube - Uncle Rico

War Machine
YouTube - War Machine

Ballet of Ocean Side
YouTube - Ballet of Ocean Side

EAS song
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoxdT2xhra8"]YouTube - EAS Song[/ame]

That is a bad ass EAS song. Here are some funny ones my Marine classmates showed me out at the smokepit the other night.




"Fuckin' Scout Sniper bullshit my ass. Fuckin' Infantry, my friend! You guys think your Ricky Ticky Recon, motherfucker."

That needs to go in the "Quotes" thread, lol.
"If your crisis is small, simple, and close to the sea, press one for the United States Army..." lol, unbelievable :D
That dude was a boot in my company.
All that guitar racket got real old in the berthing area. :)

He's pretty fuckin' good. Plus it looked like they were in the smoke pit. Guess they had to move it out there.

You aren't Uncle Rico are you? lol

I watch these when I'm feeling blue. In particular, WTF Marine part II. It cracks me up every time.

"Take out that note taking gear that I know you still have because you can't remember the main parts of the weapon and show me the mathematical equation that you solved for low ammo."

And the part about Charlie, LOL.