HR 45, It has begun. Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009

Any legislation named after a kid killed by another kid with a gun is going to have plenty of blind emotion and irrational thought driving it, which makes it dangerous.

Blind emotion and irrational thought processes caused by the blind emotions are exactly what they (the extreme left in general) rely upon to accomplish their goals. That is exactly how Obama got elected. An entire political party that is based on this strategy is even more dangerous.

There is nothing to worry about.

Over the past 20,000 years of human history, every powerful position has eventually been exploited by gangsters, thugs, and the corrupt.

This, however, could never apply to any modern government in the United States, as all of the politicians in Washington happen to be nice guys with snazzy haircuts and gel and shit.
I'm confused...silly damn Canuck north of the border.

Does this bill prohibit you from owning a firearm, and therefore violates your constitutional right to do so?? Or does this allow you to own a firearm, as long as it is registered??

I know the relationship between the government and citizenry is different down there. If people own firearms for legitimate reasons and for legal use, is registering them with the government a big deal?? Is the purpose of this bill to target illegal weapons, or to make it hard for law abiding citizens?
They (democrat gun grabbers) are certainly showing their hand. Which makes me think they have a pair of Aces up their sleeve. :uhh:
Blind emotion and irrational thought processes caused by the blind emotions are exactly what they (the extreme left in general) rely upon to accomplish their goals. That is exactly how Obama got elected. An entire political party that is based on this strategy is even more dangerous.

Sort of like putting the word "patriot" or "freedom" on legislation to illicit an emotional response.
I predict that they will NOT ever prevent that would be "political suicide".

But that they will create huge taxes on purchases of Guns/Ammo, as well as requiring you to keep them locked up, unloaded (for the children), and effectively useless in any type of self defense emergency.
I predict that they will NOT ever prevent that would be "political suicide".

But that they will create huge taxes on purchases of Guns/Ammo, as well as requiring you to keep them locked up, unloaded (for the children), and effectively useless in any type of self defense emergency.

I agree with you in that some other tactic would be used. Currently gun owners are doing it to themselves (Hysteria on hoarding that has driven prices way up and emptied shelves),
Exactly. Right now my Boss has instituted the store policy of limiting ammo purchases to 2 boxes per customer. Can you imagine the OUTRAGE if the government TOLD us we could only buy two bozes at a time.
Exactly. Right now my Boss has instituted the store policy of limiting ammo purchases to 2 boxes per customer. Can you imagine the OUTRAGE if the government TOLD us we could only buy two bozes at a time.

There was a article that I read on the new suburban survivalists. That adds another dimension to the shortages. People worried about some short of catastrophe. They are stock piling stuff.

For some people having two boxes to buy would be a really good thing. ;)

Back to the reloading bench.
As of today, due to limited supply, customers will now be limited to ONE box per customer.

Ludicrous, and unconstitutional to boot. And who funds this boondoggle? We are talking billions to track and enforce this.

Here in the People's Republic of MD we have had that asinine Ballistic Fingerprinting Law in effect for like 12+ years, has cost us untold hundreds of thousands of dollars to start up and run. To date they have traced back ONE, count em ONE firearm used in a crime. But it was stolen from the owner that supplied the empty casing so it wasn't the big victory the antis wanted!!!:mad:
A big grand sweep like this proposed bill won't work. What I think will happen is little baby steps will be taken that lead to the same end result.

The slippery slope is the most insidious and difficult maneveur to defend against as opposed to the grand gesture.


(agrees with LL)

Gentlemen, what difference does it make HOW we get there, if the end result is the same thing?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

-Declaration of Independence
"We, the People" can't do that on 2 boxes of ammo per person, 22LR bolt action single shot squirrel rifles and 20 gauge bird shot.
This thread appears to have converged with another thread, "The Coming Gun Grab".

All roads lead to Rome, water runs down hill, n'at.

A reassuring article that tidal waves of letters and phone calls are working- at least for the present:
Indiana – -( For the umpteenth time. HR 45 is going no where. I got a call yesterday and I was hit with questions about this moments ago at our West Side Sportsman’s Club.

HR 45 called the Blair Holt amendment was introduced by Illinois U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D) who represents half of the south side of Chicago. He served time in prison for an illegal weapons possession back in 1969 I believe it was.

Now he writes gun laws.

His bill that was introduced early this year has, no co-sponsors, and has not moved since it was introduced. At least it has not moved in Congress, but it sure has circled the globe via e-mail...
I'm giving it until the day after the midterms next year, and then it will start up ALL OVER again...With more crazy shit like HUGE TAXES on guns/ammo. A "luxery tax" on anything over those .22 or .380 rounds.
Because the Joe Public KNOWS that .380 is all that is necessary...
...unless you need evil "cop killer" ammo. (like 9mm or better).

With just a HUGE TAX they can say..."we didn't step on your 2nd amendment"...(we just decided to TAX the fucker outta existance).