Inspiring Israeli military unit...


Sep 12, 2012
The Israeli army is integrating young people with disabilities in the IDF, first as volunteers and then as soldiers in every aspect, including the simple soldier's ID and uniform, as part of their preparation for an independent life and their integration into Israeli society.

This it is an amazing service being provided to (and from) these young people; I'd challenge you to watch and not find yourself smiling throughout.

So glad to see everyone is getting a chance to give back to their nations. More countries should do this.
Okay so the smartass in me is saying "hell the US Army has been doing that with service and support MOS's for years" but than I realize that could be considered offensive to some of my bro/sis, so I won't say that...wait what?lol

Pretty cool that they are intergrading people with disabilities, hope someone is double checking those PROMASKS before
Okay so the smartass in me is saying "hell the US Army has been doing that with service and support MOS's for years" but than I realize that could be considered offensive to some of my bro/sis, so I won't say that...wait what?lol

Pretty cool that they are intergrading people with disabilities, hope someone is double checking those PROMASKS before
Hey, don't blame those of us that could score higher than a 31 on the ASVAB :D:ROFLMAO::troll:
I wish we did this. The AF complains about not having enough UAV operators and the Army complains about contractors in general, so why not employ those who are disabled or injured? How many men and women returned from Iraq and Afghanistan missing legs or paralyzed? They couldn't run the sensors on a UAV? Hell, cap them at E-6 and hire from any service. You can train an 18YO to do the job, so almost any prior service guy/ gal can learn the process. Roll their wheelchairs up to the console and get 'er done. You'd have more volunteers than slots. The Army could do the same for similarly disabled folks or those like one member here with PTSD. They can run ranges and perform other tasks freeing up the other soldiers to work within their MOS.

Think about the hypocrisy: we're force feeding women into combat arms despite every indication it will fail or more likely fall under the weight of politics, but we won't throw a lifeline to those who served and paid some of the harshest penalties save for death itself?

We pay lip service to "equality" and "diversity" (FYI: they aren't the same thing), but allow those who are HIV positive to stay in uniform, yet the disabled are left out?

We're so full of shit.
The way the US views military service and the way Israel views military service are two very different animals. Not even same zoo. There is a LOT about administering national defense that the US could learn from Israel.
This past year I've been immersed in IDF history...the War for Independence, Sinai Campaign, Six Day War, War of Attrition, the Yom Kipper War...and just finishing Moshe Dayan's autobiography...and with their limited resources they've always been innovators, they've had to be extremely practical and adept with regard to organization and operation, tactics, resources and manpower.
The OP another sterling example.
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