Intro to the next 4 - ? years

K-man Stan

Jan 13, 2016
I am 20 years old, born and raised in New Mexico. I have some questions about TACP and my air force contract in general. I have read on these forms a lot these past few months but decided it was time to make an account. I leave for BMT in less than a week unless something changes. Thanks.
I am 20 years old, born and raised in New Mexico. I have some questions about TACP and my Air Force contract in general. I have read on these forms a lot these past few months but decided it was time to make an account. I leave for BMT in less than a week unless something changes. Thanks.

Welcome to SS. Glad to see you joining up as you head off to BMT. I wish you luck on the road before you.

Request a name change immediately as noted in the other thread you started, or a new name will be chosen for you, and you probably won't like it.
Request has been made. I should have checked the 'new users start here' before making an account. Have a good one.