

Jul 31, 2012
Hello everyone.

I've been lurking around here for awhile, and finally decided to make it official. I'm an armor officer down at Hood, awaiting the November SFAS class. Doing a lot of PT, and doing some reading too. I just finished The Jedburghs and have moved on to Chosen Soldier in my post-executive officer AS3 coffee boy time. Here to learn. Thanks for having me.
Another officer! Better watch out, Os are taking over the site.

In numbers, perhaps. But we all know there are far too many NCOs here for the Officers to pose a legitimate threat. If you secede from us, you would no longer have anyone to tell you how to get to the battlefield, make sure you had all your mags/radios/med gear, write the CONOP PP prior to heading out, etc., etc. Left to your own devices, you guys would end up sitting around drinking coffee all day and reminiscing about that one time when you almost passed a land nav test.

In numbers, perhaps. But we all know there are far too many NCOs here for the Officers to pose a legitimate threat. If you secede from us, you would no longer have anyone to tell you how to get to the battlefield, make sure you had all your mags/radios/med gear, write the CONOP PP prior to heading out, etc., etc. Left to your own devices, you guys would end up sitting around drinking coffee all day and reminiscing about that one time when you almost passed a land nav test.


We don't want to secede! Perish the thought! If all that was left were the Os, who would do all the work? I just want to be in a position to be able to take credit for everything that happens. Well, the good things that happen. Besides, this:

Left to your own devices, you guys would end up sitting around drinking coffee all day and reminiscing about that one time when you almost passed a land nav test.

doesn't sound too much different from what I normally do, anyway.